Giv'er Saint John
The Saint John Sea Dogs have announced that this is the final week to buy a Flex-34 Season Ticket package. Starting at under $13/ voucher for an Adult package, it comes with 34 flex vouchers, which can be redeemed for any game in any denomination during the 2016-17 regular season. It is considered a Season…
Read MoreOpen Farm Day is Sunday September 18th
Sunday, September 18th, 2016 is Open Farm Day. Come rain or shine, many farms in all corners of the province will open up their gates to give you a free backstage pass to life on the farm. Visit one of the 55+ farms that are participating to see the hard work and dedication farmers contribute…
Read MoreWoman, Naked. One Woman. One Funny Show.
Woman, Naked. Part stand up comedy. Part Theatre. Sept 15-17 – this week at the BMO Studio Theatre. Newfoundland comedienne Berni Stapleton presents a one-woman, straight from the heart look at body image, body shaming, diet fads, the pressure on women to be thin, young and never hungry. Mature content. Tickets $22.50 / $15 students. Remember…
Read MoreCIBC Run for the Cure
The CIBC Run for the Cure is a 5K or 1K walk or run that raises funds for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF). It is the largest single-day, volunteer-led event in Canada in support of breast cancer research. The CIBC Run for the Cure will take place on Sunday, October 2, 2016 in more…
Read MoreCanadian Mental Health Fall Education Programs
FACT: Today 1 in 5 Canadians will personally experience a mental illness in their lifetime. FACT: That represents 151,000 New Brunswickers. FACT: Mental illness is not discriminatory to gender, race, creed or social status. We are all responsible for taking care of our physical and mental health. Your mental health matters and effective treatment for…
Read MoreDollar Per Game Sea Dogs Season Tickets for Kids
The Saint John Sea Dogs are very excited to unveil two new programs designed to help more children see Sea Dogs games this season. The Sea Dogs have introduced a new Kids Pass season ticket. The team is also offering a FREE game ticket to every child who registers for minor hockey in this region.…
Read MoreMazda Zoom Fest September 17th
King Mazda in Saint John is excited to announce that they will host their first annual Zoom Fest on Saturday September 17th from 10 am to 2:30 pm. All Mazda Enthusiasts from near and far are invited to come participate in this event and have fun showcasing their vehicles! There will be Live Music provided by the band…
Read MoreRetirement Celebration for Vito’s Marie-Mae is September 7th
After over 41 years of service, one of the region’s most beloved waitresses, Marie-Mae McLaughlin, will retire this month. There will be a retirement celebration on Wednesday September 7th beginning at 8 pm at Vito’s restaurant, 324 Rothesay Avenue. A post on the restaurant’s Facebook page earlier this week said: “The Georgoudis family and the…
Read MoreSea Belles Hold One Day Thrift Store Sale
Sea Belles, Saint John’s ladies A Cappella chorus is holding a one day Thrift Store Sale, Saturday September 10th from 8 am to 2 pm at the Portland United Church Hall, 50 Newport Crescent, Saint John. Great Thrift Store prices on many items, including books, clothing, jewellery, shoes, purses, bedding, kitchen items, exercise equipment, etc. A…
Read MoreSobeys Dietitians Nutrition Events for September 2016
Ready for new meal ideas? Check out what our Sobeys Dietitians are up to this month at Sobeys East Point, Saint John West and Rothesay! Taste & Learn Classes (FREE class!!) Try a new way to use foods. Recipes and samples provided! PEACHES: Wednesday, September 7th, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, East Point BLUEBERRIES: Thursday, September…
Read MoreSaint John BFM Thrift Store First Year Anniversary Celebration
The Atlantic Bibles for Missions (BFM) Thrift Store at 120 McDonald Street in the Loch Lomond Mall is celebrating its one year anniversary! Join them for a First Anniversary Celebration on Saturday August 27th, 2016 from 10 am to 5 pm. There will cake, live entertainment, and in-store specials. Enter to win a diamond ring…
Read More2016 Saint John Fall Registration Expo
Saint John’s Fall Registration Expo is your opportunity to learn about all the various sports, recreation, arts, cultural and educational programs and services that are available for Saint John residents of all ages. Free Admission Wednesday, August 31, 2016 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Saint John Trade and Convention Centre 1 Market Square For more…
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