Giv'er Saint John
Stuff the Bus with School Supplies Event a Huge Success
A heartfelt thank you to all those who donated at the Saint John Transit: Stuff the Bus – School Supplies for PALS event this past Saturday. It was a huge success! If you would still like to donate school supplies for PALS, you can do so by visiting Saint John Transit, located at 55 McDonald Street.…
Read MoreTraffic Advisory: Overnight Closures of Wall Street/Somerset Street Underpass Structure
Gateway Operations wishes to advise the public of upcoming closures to the Wall Street/Somerset Street underpass structure. The first of 4 overnight closures will take place on Tuesday, September 5, 2017. Specific dates of subsequent closures will be communicated at least 2 days prior to each closure, and are subject to the progress of the…
Read MoreBe “72-hours ready” in case of emergency
With hurricane season underway, New Brunswickers and their families are reminded to be “72-hours ready” in case of an emergency. That involves having everything they need to be self-sufficient for at least three days, including food, water, medication, batteries, cash and other necessities. Previous weather systems have demonstrated that any New Brunswick community can be…
Read MoreSewing Course being offered at Saint John Arts Centre
Have you been meaning to make time for yourself to enjoy the hobby of sewing? Is it time to look at your sewing machine with a new perspective? Master your fear of the machine and become more comfortable with its use and care. In this six-week sewing course you’ll learn fundamental skills that you will…
Read MoreDrawing Basics at Saint John Arts Centre
Join Maggie Higgins for a fun and informative overview of Drawing Basics at the Saint John Arts Centre! This class is ideal for beginners who’ve always wanted to try drawing or intermediate students who are eager to hone their skills. It is designed to develop your hand and eye in traditional skills and ideas that…
Read MoreGiant Tiger Helps Youth at Boys and Girls Clubs Take a Giant Step Forward
As part of their mission to make a difference for Canadian youth and their families, Giant Tiger has partnered with Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada to launch the Giant Tiger Giant Steps Program, a homework support program for children in grades 7 and 8. Giant Tiger Giant Steps offers opportunities for young people to complete homework…
The Saint John Sea Dogs have announced three players have been reassigned from their training camp roster. The following players are no longer in camp: RW Matthew Pietroniro F Luke Wilson D Thomas Ashe There are 38 players remaining in camp: four goalies, 13 defencemen and 21 forwards. The Sea Dogs’ next pre-season game is…
Read MoreBrett Martin Returns to Chuckles Comedy Club this Weekend
Comedian Brett Martin returns to Chuckles Comedy Club in the Parkway Mall this weekend for two shows on Friday August 25th and Saturday August 26th at 8 pm. These shows also feature Atlantic Canada’s favourite local acts Travis Boyce, Travis Lindsay and Andrew Vaughan. Featured in his own Comedy Now special on CTV and The Comedy…
Read MoreSaint John “Champ” encourages kids to play safe
Marissa Gorjizadeh, 19, of Saint John, joined The War Amps PLAYSAFE/ DRIVESAFE float in Halifax’s recent Natal Day Parade, telling kids to “spot the danger before you play!” Marissa was born a left arm amputee and is a member of The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program. Through her role as a Safety Ambassador, she…
Read MoreFundy Fringe Festival
The fifth Fundy FRINGE Festival is back August 21-26. Fundy FRINGE Festival is part of a growing community of Fringe Festivals throughout North America, dedicated to supporting independent performers and artists and creating affordable spaces through which diverse communities can experience boundary-pushing theatre and other performances, in accordance with the four criteria set out by…
Read MoreScript Happens Playwriting Competition
Saint John Theatre Company is looking for unproduced One Act plays for its annual Script Happens script development program. They will be choosing between 3-5 One Act scripts for development and production in their June Script Happens production (June 13-16, 2018). Please note that selected playwrights must be from the Maritime Provinces (NB, NS, PEI) and…
Read MoreCall for THIRD SHIFT Volunteers!
THIRD SHIFT is a labour of love and we count on volunteers to bring it all together. We’re looking for individuals to help in the following areas: 1. General Event Set Up: Between 2 pm and 8 pm on the day of THIRD SHIFT (Friday, August 18th). Tasks will include: Lifting materials to project sites, helping with…
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