Month: March 2022
Welcome New Business: The Kindness Closet
Uptown Saint John welcomes this thrift shop that Courtney Figler opened up just a few weeks ago. Her new venture is more than just a shop; it’s a way for…
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Read MoreSaint John Fire Department Is Actively Recruiting Holiday Relief Firefighters
The Saint John Fire Department (SJFD) is currently recruiting holiday relief firefighters with a diverse range of skills, backgrounds, and experiences who will contribute to the success of our team. The SJFD is an inclusive, respectful, and equitable workplace that represents the communities they serve. A focus on diversity in the fire service supports Common…
Read MoreSaint John Parking Trials New Hotspot QR Code Payment Method
The City of Saint John has re-opened 13 parking spaces at the top of King Street for the public to use while enjoying the Uptown core. These spaces will be the first to trial the new HotSpot QR code payment method. The HotSpot sign uses a QR code that directs users to make secure payments…
Read MoreCity Seeks Public Input On The Creation Of A Ridesharing By-law
The City of Saint John is looking for your input into the creation of a by-law for ridesharing companies on the City’s public engagement platform, Shape Your City Saint John. The Province of New Brunswick has passed legislation that sets standards for licensing and regulations for ridesharing companies within the Province. Under this legislation, the…
Read MorePublic Safety Alert – Imitation Firearms
The Saint John Police would like to raise public awareness about the dangers and law as it relates to imitation firearms. The Saint John Police have increasingly encountered incidents involving imitation firearms such as airsoft, BB or pellet guns. Using an imitation firearm during the commission of an offence or for a dangerous purpose can…
Read MoreFraud Alert – Bail Scam
It is Fraud Prevention Month and the Saint John Police Fraud Unit would like to alert the public of an on-going bail scam targeting residents in our area. The scam typically involves a fraudster calling and identifying themselves as a relative, police officer or lawyer. The fraudster claims that the victim’s relative has been arrested…
Read MoreBy-Law Number LG-17 A By-Law Respecting Weight Restrictions Within The City of Saint John
Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider giving third reading to the bylaw entitled, “By-Law Number L.G.-17, A By-Law respecting Weight Restrictions within The City of Saint John” at its meeting of March 21, 2022. The by-law is a complete update to the…
Read MoreLily Lake Ice Surface Closed For The season
The City of Saint John is advising residents and visitors that due to the continued fluctuating temperatures, and spring just around the corner the skating surface at Lily Lake is now closed for the season. The City was happy to provide the ice surface for recreational use this season, and saw many people enjoy the…
Read MoreCity Seeking Members For New Civic Commemoration Committee
Are you a resident of Saint John with knowledge, experience, and professional skills pertaining to diversity and community inclusion? The City encourages you to apply to be on the Civic Commemoration Committee. The newly established Civic Commemoration Committee will help to guide and advise Common Council through the naming of public streets, assets, and spaces,…
Read MoreVito’s Is Hosting a Truckload Food Sale In Support Of The Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation From March 11-20
Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation Maprocsh 3 5mattr8tfcu 6:0h0 fP1M · SAVE THE DATE! March 11th. To celebrate 50 years in business and 30 years supporting healthcare, Vito’s is hosting a truckload food sale in support of the Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation from March 11-20. For the Georgoudis family of Vito’s restaurants, giving back to their community is as…
Read MoreWelcome New Business: CORE Health Group
Giving a warm welcome to Dr. Sarah Middlemiss and Dr. Corey Armstrong, they just opened up on Charlotte Street on February 22nd. We got to take a tour last week….
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Read MoreThe Saint John Community Loan Fund is transitioning to Kaleidoscope Social Impact.
The Saint John Community Loan Fund is transitioning to Kaleidoscope Social Impact. We’ve grown from where we started in 1999. We were a small community loan fund, lending to individuals to help them start a business or get back to work. Today, we manage three major activities: social finance; skills training; and social-purpose real estate.…
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