Giv'er Saint John
Saint John Wins National Award for Municipal Innovation
The City of Saint John has received national recognition for its One-Stop Development Shop from the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators(CAMA). The City was presented with the 2016 CAMA Willis Award for Innovation in the 20,001 to 100,000 population category, during CAMA’s national conference in Winnipeg, MB. Ravenhill Group Inc. is the sponsor for the…
Read MoreGerry Dee at Harbour Station – Only Show in NB
Funnyman Gerry Dee has announced a new slate of stand-up shows for late-2016 and early-2017. Beginning in late December 2016, Dee will be taking the stage in cities in Ontario, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland, as he touches upon marriage, fatherhood, and his years as a teacher with his trademark humour. On Thursday December 29th, 2016 Gerry…
Read MoreFirst Local School Garden Officially Opens Tomorrow
Thanks to the vision of City staff, a generous grant from Scotts Miracle-Gro, and the dedicated efforts of Communities in Bloom and Anglophone School District – South, students at Princess Elizabeth School (PES) will now have their own garden to grow. With an official opening scheduled for tomorrow, June 1st, the garden project at PES…
Read MorePublic Information Session: Paddock Street
The City of Saint John will be installing new infrastructure on Paddock Street from Civic #39 to Coburg Street. There will be new water main, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer installed, including renewal of existing services to each residence up to the property line and installation of new storm services, which will be capped at…
Read MoreSea Belles head to Atlantic A Cappella Contest
Sea Belles A Cappella Chorus, Saint John’s only chapter of Harmony, Incorporated, an international organization of female a cappella singers specializing in the barbershop harmony style, will head to Sackville, NB June 2-4th to participate in an area contest that could qualify the local singers for an international competition later this year. Sea Belles will…
Read MoreSaint John Soap Box Derby 2016
Mark your family as ‘busy’ today Saturday, May 28th (rain date tomorrow: Sunday May 29th) and come cheer on your favourite team as children from schools across the Greater Saint John area race down Cranston Avenue in hopes of crossing the finish line first during this year’s Saint John Soap Box Derby. The Saint John Soap…
Read MorePaderno Blow Out Sale at Harbour Station
Paderno, makers and distributors of world-famous stainless steel cookware, utensils, housewares, and much more, returns next week to Harbour Station for their annual Blow-out Sale. A huge range of exceptional quality Paderno products will be available for sale, at exceptional savings. The six-day event opens on Tuesday, May 31st, and will continue through Sunday, June…
Read MoreSobeys Nutrition Events June 2016
Ready for new meal ideas? Check out what our Sobeys Dietitians are up to this month! Sobeys Saint John West and Rothesay, JUNE 2016 Taste & Learn Classes (FREE class)! Try a new food. Recipes and samples provided! SUMMER SALADS: Wednesday, June 15th, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM Saint John West SUMMER SALADS: Tuesday, June 28th…
Read MoreFive students win UNB’s prestigious Currie Scholarships
Five Maritime high school students will receive prestigious Currie Scholarships at the University of New Brunswick, a recognition of their outstanding leadership in the community and academic performance in their high schools. The Currie Scholarships were established by Dr. Richard J. Currie, UNB Chancellor Emeritus and one of Canada’s most accomplished business leaders and philanthropists.…
Read MoreStreet Sweeping Progress Update
The annual Spring Street Sweeping Program is well under way, and the City thanks citizens for their ongoing patience as crews work hard to remove the build-up and debris that collected during the winter months. The Street Sweeping Program is a vital program to improve the functionalist of our streets, sidewalks and storm water systems as…
Read MoreMill Rats President/ GM Steps Down
The Saint John Mill Rats President and General Manager, Ian McCarthy has stepped down. McCarthy issued the following statement earlier this afternoon: I have decided to return to the United States and rejoin my family there, and as such, I have stepped down as President and will no longer act as General Manager of the Saint…
Read MoreWorkshop Natural Dyes with Denise Richard
On Sunday, May 29th from 1-5 pm join the New Brunswick Museum (NBM) for a one day Natural Dyes workshop with New Brunswick Artist, Denise Richard. In this Natural Dye workshop, participants will explore a variety of dyes including plants, roots, wood and insect dyes. By the end of the workshop, they will have learned…
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