Giv'er Saint John
City Of Saint John Prepares For More Snow
Based on the current weather forecast for tomorrow, January 14, the Saint John region is expected to receive anywhere from 15 to 30 cm of snow followed by warmer temperatures and rain, in addition to the snow from last week’s storm and the snowfall on Wednesday. Public Works crews have continued to clear streets and sidewalks…
Read MoreClow Canada Donates $12000.00 To Romero House
Clow Canada has donated $12,000.00 to Romero House Soup Kitchen in Saint John, N.B. Each year, the Clow Canada team donates money from a payroll deduction program and matches the contributions. This year they raised a total of $6,000.00 and the company matched this contribution. Romero House operates a soup kitchen that serves 400-500 meals…
Read MoreWelcome New Business: RotiCana Cafe
Uptown Saint John just welcomed its newest coffee shop! RotiCana Cafe is located in Market Square beside the NBM Boutique on the main level. They serve a great selection of hot drinks; drip coffee, cappuccinos, lattes, espresso, teas, and Turkish coffee. What makes all their types of coffee extra special is they roast their own…
Read MoreSaint John Police Force Kept Busy During First Winter Storm of 2022
On behalf of Staff Sergeant Sean Rocca During the duration of the winter storm on Friday, January 7, 2022, the Saint John Police Force responded to approximately twenty motor vehicle collisions, ten of which were reported as motor vehicle accidents with injuries, mostly minor in nature. Police also responded to approximately thirty-one other calls for…
Read MoreMcAllister Place Sets New Hours
McAllister Place has set new hours, Sunday 12 to 5, Monday to Wednesday 10 to 6, Thursday and Friday 10 to 8 and Saturday 10 to 6
Read MoreTemporary Overnight Parking Ban Declared For North, East and West Areas of Saint John
An overnight parking ban has been declared for the North, East and West areas of the City effective midnight this evening January 7 through to 7 a.m. tomorrow morning January 8. This means there is no on-street parking allowed anywhere in the North, East and West areas of the City. Any vehicles remaining on-street after midnight when a temporary overnight parking ban has…
Read MoreCity Reminding Residents Of The Winter Management Plan
Winter is in full swing, and with the potential for upcoming snowfall in Saint John, the City reminds residents of the Winter Management Plan that has established service objectives and outlines snow removal priorities throughout the City based on storm severity. Residents can also access the Winter Management Plan interactive map on the City’s website to view snow clearing priority in…
Read MoreMispec Annual Polar Dip
The annual Polar Dip took place on New Years Day at 12 noon where you would find hundreds of spectators to watch the people brave the cold water. Cars wee parked on both sides of the road all the way back to the ball field. Very good turn out
Read MoreLily Lake Ice Skating Surface Not Thick Enough
The City of Saint John reminds residents and visitors that the Lily Lake ice surface is closed and will be officially opened by the City when a measured ice thickness of 10 inches is reached. For your safety, please heed any warning signs posted on and around the ice. The City will continue to monitor…
Read MoreHappy New Year
Management and staff of MCG Media and would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year
Read MoreFireworks Scheduled For New Year’s Eve Cancelled
The City of Saint John has cancelled the planned fireworks for New Year’s Eve following the COVID-19 update from the Province of New Brunswick yesterday. New Brunswick will enter Level 2 of the Winter Action Plan on Monday, December 27 at 11:59 p.m. For all COVID-19 related information, visit For information from the Province of…
Read MoreChristmas Tree Drop-Off Program
When it’s time to get rid of your Christmas tree, remove the decorations and drop it off at one of the City of Saint John Christmas Tree Drop-off Sites. The sites will be open from January 1 to January 12, 2022. Site locations: Charles Gorman Arena – 80 University Avenue, North; Crescent Valley – Between…
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