Mayoral Candidates’ Forum April 26
Organized by Human Development Council, Civic Tec Saint John and Around the Block, Mayoral candidates’ form, Monday April 26 at 12pm to 1:30pm, with moderator Julia Wright.
Participating Candidates Darrell Bastarache, Donna Reardon and Mel Vincent
How to participate: 1 in person, Chinese Commerence Centre,24 Coburg St, register on Eventbrite. 2 Facebook live on the HDC facebook page at SaintJohnHDC on April 26 12 noon, 3 Group Viewing of Facebook livestream. To register contact Carleton Community Centre 658-2920 or, The Nick Nicolle Community Centre, Christa at One Change 658-2980 or, Vineyard Church, Pulse 6326807 or
For assistance in registering on Eventbrite, contact your community association, lower South end Pulse Mary lesage 632-6807, Cresent Valley and Anglin Drive, Crescent Valley Resource Centre 693-8513, , Waterloo Village Neighbourhood Association 647-8047, Lower West Side, Carleton Community Centre , Dustin Leclerc 658-2920, North End, One Change, Nick Nicolle Community Centre, Christa Petts 658-2980