Sea Belles Fall Fundraisers

Sea Belles A Cappela Chorus sponsors a number of ongoing fund raisers to raise money for costumes, music, travel to competitions, and other expenses related to performances. A percent of all monies raised is also donated to our preferred Charities, Romero House and Sophia Recovery Center.

Plan NOW to support some or all of these events!

Drop your Redeemables at any of the following agencies, requesting the money earned be donated to Sea Belles Chorus:

Golden Mile Redemption, 35 Linton Rd., West Saint John

Valley Redemption Center, 1 Market St. Quispamsis  (Co-op lot)

Book Sale and donations– Sea Belles accepts donations of good used books which are sold at Kanes Corner Convenience Store, 40 Loch Lomond Road. These are resold at $1- soft covered books and $2- Hard covered books. Stock up now on your winter reading and support Sea Belles chorus!

Annual Auction and Dinner at Three Mile Steak and Rib House, Saint John, in support of Sea Belles Chorus- This event is always a hit with our supporters with a variety of items on which to bid, a great meal and entertainment by Sea Belles. Mark your calendars now for Friday, November 17th! Doors open at 5:00 pm for viewing, Auction begins at 6:00 pm. Meal Tickets are $20, available from any Sea Belle, contact or call 672-3321.  Walk-in patrons also welcome to attend Auction only. Plan now to attend and get an early start on your Christmas shopping!