Summer Fun at Miramichi Dragway

Drag racing is getting better and better at Miramichi Dragway.
Last year’s upgrades have resulted in some new track records and personal bests for many Maritime racers. With big events coming up in July and August, it is likely more records will be set.
The National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) National Open is returning for its second race event at Miramichi Dragway from July 27th to 30th.
Miramichi Dragway joined the NHRA member track network as part of the Northeast Division in 2016 and hosted a racing event like none other at the track. And this year’s event will be bigger and better. It’s two days of NHRA racing back to back. That’s right – two separate NHRA races and double your chance to win a Wally.
It all begins on Thursday, July 27th with an evening Test & Tune. Then on Friday, July 28th and Saturday, July 29th, the track will be full of action as drivers work to win the coveted Wally trophy.
“We are pleased to have the NHRA back this year. The race is bigger and everyone is excited,” said racer and track supporter, Bruce Howatt.
Howatt added NHRA race officials were impressed with the facility at Miramichi Dragway and look forward to this year’s big event.
“We are already making plans for 2018.”
On Sunday, July 30th, the ADRA, pro tree and stock/ super stock race will be held along with the track’s third points meet.
Then, once the NHRA race is done, track staff is back at it the next weekend with a new event, the Saturday Showdown on August 4th and 5th.
Race organizer Vinnie Vienneau says he’s very excited to host a one-day race event that will have something for everyone.
“We are going to have the largest assembly of fast bikes running in a Heads Up race at Miramichi Dragway.”
The event starts Friday night with testing and a bracket race for the bike class.
Saturday is a full day with qualifying and eliminations being run in all classes. But there will be a little fun in there as well. There will be a wheel stand competition for cars that lift as they leave the start line.
“Come on out and enjoy. Don’t miss it,” said Vienneau.
Other special events include the Sport Compact and Bike Weekend on August 19th and 20th and the annual Fall Brawl on September 9th and 10th.
Miramichi Dragway hosts Tuesday Test & Tune each Tuesday night from 6 to 9 pm. Think you have a fast car and want to find out? This is the place to do it, not on the street.
Miramichi Dragway is located at 940 North Napan Road. For more information on all events at Miramichi Dragway, check out the Facebook page and website at
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