Street Sweeping Progress Update

streetsweeperThe annual Spring Street Sweeping Program is well under way, and the City thanks citizens for their ongoing patience as crews work hard to remove the build-up and debris that collected during the winter months.

The Street Sweeping Program is a vital program to improve the functionalist of our streets, sidewalks and storm water systems as well as the appearance of our City. As per the City’s Sweeping Management Plan for streets and sidewalks, streets containing curbs, sidewalks, storm water catch basins and designated bicycle lanes will be cleaned as part of the sweeping operation.

To date, crews have been working in the south and north ends of the City and expect to be finished in these areas before the end of May. Once these areas are completed, the street sweeping effort will move to the west and east sides of the City. Sweepers work hard to best accommodate the vehicle and pedestrian traffic patterns across the City. Main streets on the City’s east and west sides will be swept during the overnight hours to ensure the safety of crews and minimize traffic disruptions.

Street sweepers are large, slow moving vehicles, and we ask that motorists pay particular attention when driving, especially after dusk. Citizens are reminded to adhere to the temporary No Parking signs that are installed ahead of street sweeping efforts. Vehicles parked in areas designated as no-parking will be ticketed or towed.

The street sweeping program is anticipated to be completed by June 24.