UNB Saint John Honours Retirees, Faculty & Staff

unbsjlogoAt a recent reception UNB Saint John honoured retirees, faculty and staff for their invaluable service. Below is a list of everyone who was honoured at the reception.

Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching (FEAT) recipients:

Leslie Jeffrey, faculty of arts, department of history and politics
Lee Jolliffe, faculty of business, hospitality and tourism
Li-Hong Xu, faculty of science, applied science and engineering, department of physics

Recipients of the 25-year service award:

Louis Belanger, faculty of arts, department of humanities and languages
Tammy Hicks, facilities management
Rod Hill, faculty of business, economics
Virigina Hill, faculty of arts, department of humanities and languages
Robert Moore, faculty of arts, department of humanities and languages
David Munro, department of athletics, recreation and wellness
Doug O’Brien, department of psychology


Gail Correia, information services and systems, library services
Deborah Eves, information services and systems, teaching and learning centre
Bev Lockhart, financial & administrative services
Marilyn MacLeod, faculty of arts, department of social science