Early Music Studio of Saint John: CD Launch Nov. 1st
October 28, 2015//

Admission is free and refreshments will be offered.
Sunday, November 1, 2015 • 2-4pm
For more information: 506-634-8442
The La Tour Baroque Duo was formed in 2009. Since then the Duo has toured throughout New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and presented concerts in major centres such as Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, New York, Paris and London. The Duo’s three CDs have garnered critical acclaim in North America and Europe. Visit the Duo’s website at www.latourduo.com for videos and detailed information.
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Early Music Studio to host CD Launch tomorrow November 1st #Giver #SaintJohn https://t.co/gDtRuiSfKC https://t.co/9p5iSk6kUy