Great Night for Saint John at MNB Awards


tomatotomatoIt was a great night for Saint John as Music NB celebrated excellence in the New Brunswick music industry during its MNB Awards Gala at the Tide and Boar Ballroom in Moncton last night. The event also kicked off Festival (506), which takes place through October 18th. All in all, some 30 prizes were awarded to New Brunswick artists and music industry professionals.

Notable among these recipients was Saint John’s own Tomato/Tomato, who were awarded three prizes: Folk Artist of the Year, Group Recording of the Year (for So it goes) and the SOCAN Song of the Year. Country artist Tristan Horncastle received the award for Album of the Year, Country Artist of the Year and the Fan’s Choice award.

Singer-songwriter Joey Robin Haché was awarded a number of awards including Enregistrement de l’année, Enregistrement solo de l’année and Chanson SOCAN de l’Année (for Corail les alentours). The Choix du public award was presented to Hôtesses d’Hilaire, who also received the award for Video of the Year.

Proud of the event’s success, Jean Surette, Executive Director of Music NB was pleased to note yet again that New Brunswick is brimming with talent. “We are very fortunate to have such a dynamic music industry here in New Brunswick,” he said.

Festival (506) continues through the weekend, showcasing more than 40 artists on four different stages throughout Moncton. For information regarding the festival schedule visit


Congratulations to all MNB Award Winners

Aboriginal recording of the year Enregistrement autochtone de l’année

City Natives – Red City

Album of the Year

Presented by/ Présenté par: Qilo Solutions

Tristan Horncastle – A Little Bit of Alright

Enregistrement de l’année

Joey Robin Haché – Repaver l’âme

Group Recording of the Year Enregistrement de groupe de l’année

Tomato/Tomato – So it goes

Solo Recording of the Year

Jared Lutes – Lionheart Soul

Enregistrement Solo de l’année

Joey Robin Haché – Repaver l’âme

SOCAN Song of the Year

Tomato/Tomato – Toss It All Away

Chanson SOCAN de l’année

Joey Robin Haché – Corail les alentours

Emerging Artist of the Year Découverte de l’année

Eastcoast Love Story

Blues artist of the year • Artiste blues de l’année

The Terry Whalen Band

Children’s artist of the Year • Artiste jeunesse de l’année

Scotty and the Stars

Classical artist of the Year • Artiste de musique classique de l’année

Saint John String Quartet

Country artist of the Year • Artiste country de l’année

Tristan Horncastle

Electronic artist of the Year • Artiste de musique électronique de l’année

Ben Rama

Folk artist of the Year • Artiste folk de l’année

Presented by/ Présenté par: Enterprise Rent-A-Car


Pop artist of the Year • Artiste pop de l’année

Maxime McGraw

Rock artist of the Year • Artiste rock/loud de l’année

Presented by/ Présenté par: Principle Projects

Brian Baker And The Memphis Knights

Urban artist of the Year • Artiste urbain de l’année

City Natives

Educator of the Year • Éducatrice de l’année

Katherine Moller

Event/Festival of the Year • Évènement/festival de l’année

Future Forest Music & Arts Festival

Expat artist of the Year • Artiste de l’année résidant hors province

David Myles

Music Business of the Year • Entreprise de l’industrie musicale de l’année

Malkin Music/Cyber PR Army

Music Industry Professional of the Year • Professionnel de l’année de l’industrie musicale

Chuck Teed

Music Producer of the Year • Réalisateur de l’année

Nick Fowler

Venue of the Year • Salle de spectacle de l’année

InterAction School of Performing Arts

Video of the Year • Vidéo de l’année

Les Hôtesses d’Hilaire  – Boule Boule

Visual Artist of the Year • Artiste visuel de l’année

Photo (506)

Director’s Lifetime Achievement Award • Prix« Œuvre de toute une vie »

Marc Chouinard

Fan’s Choice

Tristan Horncastle

Choix du Public

Les Hôtesses d’Hilaire

Bread 'n Molasses