The Saint John Community Arts Board Presents Saint John Culturescape
From sea shanties to visual arts and beyond, Saint John Culturescape 2021 will showcase Saint John’s
deeply rooted artistic traditions and mosaic of diverse cultures through a series of open houses and
Saint John Culturescape is a volunteer event organized
by the Celebrations Committee of the Saint John
Community Arts Board. As facilitators, the Celebrations
Committee are presenting the open houses as one
cohesive event through branding and promotion. The goal is to bring attention to the people, businesses,
and organizations that build up Saint John’s thriving arts & culture scene.
Saint John Culturescape will take place from September 24 to September 26 (Friday to Sunday) in line with
Culture Days, Canada’s annual celebration of arts & culture.
“Saint John has a flourishing Arts and Culture community,” says Saint John Mayor Donna Reardon.
“Culturescape is an exciting opportunity for the public to visit studios and engage with artists, musicians,
and performers where they create. It’s a cool chance for a behind the scenes look at everything that goes
into creating art.”
The hope is to have an event that will continue to grow in participation and is celebrated year after year,
bringing attention to the arts & culture organizations in Saint John.
The inaugural SJ Culturescape has an impressive lineup of artists and organizations including the Fundy
Comic Arts Society; SJ Jewish Historical Museum; Early Music Studio of Saint John; Sheila Howell (artist);
Fractured Arts Mosaics; VISITORS; Saint John Arts Centre; Loyalist House; Paris Crew; PRUDE INC.; Spicer
Merrifield Gallery; New Brunswick Museum; Lorenzo Society at UNB Saint John.
For more information, please visit: