Tim Isaac Estate Auction at Saint John Trade & Convention Centre
There will be an Estate Auction on Tuesday, November 10th, 2015 beginning at 5 pm at the Saint John Trade & Convention Centre, One Market Square. Viewing will take place from 3-5 pm.
This Tim Isaac Auction will feature contents from the Estate of Senator Dan Riley and Mary Riley of Saint John; the Estate of John R. Willett and Phyllis M. Willett of Saint John; and a Churchill Row, Fredericton Estate.
Furniture includes: Mahogany bedroom chests; dressers; poster beds; Mahogany games table; Mahogany footstools; Set of six mahogany dining chairs; Mahogany sideboards; Double pedestal mahogany dining table; Empire mahogany dressers; Dropleaf mahogany table; Victorian parlour chairs; Victorian sofa; Victorian corner whatnots; Victorian rocking chairs; Stools; Benches; Wing chair; Victorian wicker rocker; Country rockers and chairs; Mahogany nest of 3 tables; Maple nest of tables; Maple fireside bench; Mahogany lamp tables; Lyre back chairs; Victorian mahogany chest of drawers; Pair of mahogany night tables; Maple bookcases; Pine arm bench; French style commode; French decorative mirrored corner cabinet; Coffee tables; Tiered tables; Pine desk; Painted pine and mahogany; Pine lamp table; Pine buffet and hutch; Mission oak library table; Gate leg table; Pair of mahogany lamp tables; Mahogany plant stand; etc.
Miscellaneous items include: Nova Scotia glass; Victorian hanging parlour lamp; Pair of Cloisonne urns; Shelley cups and saucers; Wedgwood; Royal Worcester figurines; Waterford crystal Christmas ornaments; Hummel figurines; Nova Scotia Seagull Pottery; Watercolours; Prints; Oils; Mirrors; Cries of London prints; Victorian oval plaster portrait; Royal Doulton figurines; Bisque figurines; Bosun’s heads; Irish Belleek; Mary Gregory glass; Bristol glass; Cranberry glass; Decanters; Carnival glass; Victorian brass candlesticks; Sets of silver flatware; Assorted lots of costume jewellery; Sherman jewelry; Sterling jewellery; Clocks; Art deco bookends; Jugs; Crocks; Nippon china; Limoges china; Spode Maritime Rose; Felt top hats; Baskets; Foley pottery; Stanley pottery; Victorian vases; Photo B. Brooks; Ken Johns oils and watercolours; Terry Gregory oils; Christopher Lovegrove photo; Garrett photos; Macaskill photos; Brass planter; Brass barometer; Quill box; Art pottery; Sarah Conklin oil; Steven Smith; Steve Sherman; Victorian marble; Two new vacuum cleaners; Copper pot; Toast racks; Chinese Cinnabar snuff bottles; etc.
For more information or to view Auction photos visit www.timisaac.com/cms/current_auction.
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