Narrative Writing Worshop at Saint John Free Public Library

Non-fiction is growing in popularity these days but there’s a twist. It’s called narrative non-fiction. The key is to use storytelling techniques that are found in the world of fiction, including strong characters, good dialogue, and scenes that jump off the page—while telling the truth.

Sandra Phinney is giving a two-day workshop titled “Hop Aboard the Narrative Train”, April 8-9 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Saint John Free Public Library, 1 Market Square. Participants can sign up for the first day or for both days. Day 1 will cover various aspects of narrative writing, while Day 2 will focus on specific projects that the participants want to complete, using the skills learned the previous day.

Phinney says that narrative non-fiction (a.k.a. creative non-fiction) can be applied to various forms of writing, from a magazine article to an essay, memoir, or book. “Although it’s a challenge to write in the narrative style, it’s very rewarding, and makes for a riveting read.”

The Writers Federation of New Brunswick is pleased to sponsor this workshop. Martha Vowles—the Federation’s regional rep for Saint John—says, “I have participated in three of Sandra’s workshops on Creative Non-fiction, Memoir-Writing, and Narrative-Writing. Each time I have come away with practical strategies for getting my thoughts onto the page in a lively and readable way. She has a warm, engaging way of teaching, making her workshops enjoyable as well as informative.”

Phinney is an award-winning writer who has penned three non-fiction books. She is currently working on both a travel memoir and a book about Maud Lewis. Her articles have been published in magazines and newspapers including Saltscapes, Atlantic Business Magazine, AAA Living, LocalXpress, and the Nature Conservancy of Canada.

For further information or to register, contact: Martha Vowles, (506) 738-1914,