News Contributor

Small Changes can Lead to Big Results!

By News Contributor / November 19, 2015

While education is a necessary component to achieve sustainable behaviour change, it is not sufficient on its own. Education, coupled with health coaching, has been found to be significantly more effective in achieving lasting behaviour change. A health coach can help you set and reach your wellness goals, increase your self-confidence, improve your health, manage stress, be more active and stay on track.

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Choose the Right Furniture for Your Life

By News Contributor / November 18, 2015

The decision to purchase a new piece of upholstered furniture can be a big one. Especially when we have so many fabric options and considerations to make, but that decision can be made easier by asking yourself the following questions.

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The Complicated Web of Wellness

By News Contributor / November 2, 2015

Nowadays, it’s easy to ask Google to define wellness for you. Quickly you learn that it is a “state or condition of being in good physical and mental health”. But what does that really tell you? And how does it relate to your own life? In order to truly understand its meaning one has to look beyond the words.

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Vote loud! Vote Proud! #VoteNation October 19th

By News Contributor / October 7, 2015

Canada goes to the polls on Monday, October 19th. Voting is contagious. If you tell your friends and family you’re voting, they’re more likely to vote too. Vote loud, vote proud. Let everyone know that you will be voting on October 19th. Create an “I Will Vote” profile pic. Click here to visit the Vote […]

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