
18 True Growth Leaders Build Skills to Help Drive Successful Projects

By janetscott / October 8, 2015

To effectively work together, Enterprise Saint John recently organized project management training for True Growth Project Leaders and their teams. The Training was led by True Growth Champion, Warren Long, and for two days, 18 people, including Keith Brunt (featured in an earlier story), learned theory Land tools for effective project management.

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Kickstart: A Grassroots Approach to Entrepreneur Development

By janetscott / September 28, 2015

For the last three years, a group of 12-15 budding entrepreneurs have been gathering every fall for 12 weeks to participate in Enterprise Saint John’s Kickstart your Business Course. The participants are folks who are newly in business as well as people who want to become armed with knowledge before even beginning to look at starting a business.

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Planning Change for Saint John

By janetscott / September 13, 2015

Dr. Keith Brunt, a researcher, entrepreneur and Assistant Professor at Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick, left his community in Saskatchewan at a time when everyone was leaving. Life was deemed to be elsewhere, and when 80 to 90 per cent of his class left the province, the common question was “Where are you going?” From away, he has watched his province transform itself into one of the country’s power players. Saskatchewan once received equalization payments from other parts of the country; now, it is a contributor.

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