Crescent Valley Community Tenants Association “Free Haircuts For Family Day”
Crescent Valley Community Tenants Association “Free Haircuts For Family Day”
The Crescent Valley Community Tenants Association will be hosting a “Free Haircuts For Family Day” on Friday, August 30th, 2019 from 9 am to 4 pm at the Crescent Valley Community Tenants Association located at 55 MacLaren Boulevard, Saint John, New Brunswick.
Come out a bring yourself, your family and friends out to this FREE event!!
Everyone is welcome and just in time for back to school!!
Find the event on Facebook at:
For more information, contact 1-506-658-9658.
What is the Crescent Valley Community Tenants Association??
To assist the residents of this Public Housing Development, by providing any and all help we can, with matters concerning their landlord, public transportation, community events or any concern that the community warrants.
“To improve the quality of their life”
The Crescent Valley Community Tenants Association – An organization that serves the residents of Crescent Valley – Saint John North.
We offer many weekly activities at 55 MacLaren Boulevard, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2K 3E9:
Sunday – Rummoli for adults 6 pm
Monday – Coupon Club every second Monday at 6 pm
Tuesday – Bible Study 10 am, Tenants Meeting the 4th Tuesday of each month 7 pm
Thursdays – T.O.P.S. at 6 pm, Book Club the 3rd Thursday of the month at 10 am
Saturdays – Free breakfast provided by Salvation Army Mobile Kitchen 10 am to 12 pm noon
We also offer many activities through out the year such as:
Winter Carnival in February
March Break activities for children and adults
Annual Easter party for the children
Annual Spring Cleanup in May
Fun Days and Street Dance as well as 3 contests – Crescent Valley, “You’ve Got Talent”, Cutest Baby and Best Legs.
Annual Fall Cleanup in October
Honors and Awards Night in October
Halloween party for the children in October
November “Write letters to Santa”
Christmas parties for children and adults in December
Making cookies with the children in December
Apart from all the activities that we provide for the community, members of the CVCTA sit on community and city committees to expand the work we do for our residents and we have been doing so for that past 20+ years.
They have also been partnering with Quality Learning NB for 10 years to provide reading opportunities for residents.
They also have our beautiful community garden in which we rent plots to the members and associate members of the CVCTA to help promote a healthy living.
They send out our monthly calendar of events every month inside the CV Newsletter.
You can always call them at 1-506-658-9658 for any further information.
Just leave your name, number, message and time of call and we will always call you back.
Please feel free to share your ideas for new activities that you would like to see us offer the community
To become a member and to enjoy all that we offer throughout the year it costs $4 before April 1st and $5 after April 1st per household for the whole year.
They are always looking for new volunteers so drop in and see us!
History of the Crescent Valley Community Tenants Association
In 1950-1951 the Federal / Provincial (FP) Government decided to build some low-income housing that were
three and four bedrooms apartments, along Churchill Boulevard, that project was FP 1.
In 1952 there was more housing built on MacLaren Boulevard, that was FP 2 and then in 1953 buildings on Taylor Avenue were constructed,
that was FP 3.
These buildings are now Crescent Valley.
In 1990 the Tenants Association was started at 55 MacLaren Boulevard. and the Crescent Valley Community Tenants Association have been there for nearly 30 years.
Membership fees are $4.00 if you buy March 31st, after April 1st its $5.00 per family per year.
The Tenants Association has been here to help families out over the years, they have helped family’s take their child to Halifax more that once and they have helped families if there was a death in the family and they have been here just for everyday problems
They have tried to keep things safe in the community one way they did that was they lobbied for a guard rail on the corner coming down into MacLaren Boulevard.
They even hosted the very first Town Hall meeting with Councilor Peter McGuire almost 5 years ago at the Somerset Police Station.
That is when they started that extra surge, putting in our complaints about the neighbourhood.
From there they wrote letter to Common Council about our sidewalks and seeing about our snow removal along with other things.
They have for many years have what we call our Street Light Committee.
If a light goes out they call and have it replaced.
Now working with the Housing and the City they have better lights in our backyards and front streets.
Criminals can’t hide in well-lit areas.
They also have a lot of other committees like, Honours and Awards, Transportation, Hosipitaly, Block Parent, Sports, Garden and others.
They have a month-to-month calendar of events that we follow and we do bingo’s every Sunday night.
They do special things for the children, like our Community FUN DAYS and March Break activities where everyone enjoys themselves.
They could not do any of this with out the help of our volunteers, so thank you to all who helps out, through out the year.
The current president of the Crescent Valley Community Tenants Association is Janet McLaughlin.
Be sure to “view” and “like” the Crescent Valley Community Tenants Association Facebook page at: