Shooter’s Atlantic 8-Ball Classic

The Shooter’s Atlantic 8-Ball Classic happens May 5th, 6th and 7th at Fairville Shooters, 638 Manawagonish Road.

This is an 8-Ball Billiards Men’s and Women’s Tournament for the Atlantic Provinces with $7500 plus in prizes!

Deadline for entries is Friday, April 28th, 2017.

There will be a players meeting on Friday May 5th at 1:30 pm followed by Calcutta. Play starts at 4 pm for Men and Ladies.

The Dress Code is pants and a collared shirt for play on Friday and Saturday. For Sunday, the Dress Code for Main Tournaments is dress pants, collared shirt and dress shoes. No hats are permitted on Sunday.

You must reside in the Atlantic Provinces in order to participate.

For questions, please call Rob Connolly at (506) 647-1957. For more information like Fairville Shooters on Facebook.

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