Public meetings to be held in response to January ice storm

Public meetings will take place from April 3 to 6 in communities affected by a major ice storm that hit the province in January. These meetings are part of a complete post-action review that will be led by Judy Wagner, Clerk of the Executive Council and head of the public service.

During the first week of April, public meetings will take place in Bas-Caraquet, Lamèque, Miramichi, Richibucto and Tracadie. These 90-minute meetings will allow participants to share their experiences and ideas on the response to the ice storm. Participants can also share feedback by emailing

Specific dates and times of the meetings will be announced in the coming weeks. Wagner will also meet with municipal councillors and officials of communities affected by the storm.

From January 24 to 26, an ice storm hit central and eastern New Brunswick, from Miscou Island to Sackville, with the major impact being widespread power outages. The storm resulted in high winds and ice build-up on transmission and electricity lines. At the peak of the storm, more than 130,000 customers were without power in the province.  Some residents were left without power for more than 11 days. Over 50 warming centres and emergency shelters were established in all affected regions, many of them serving meals to hundreds of people per day.

A disaster financial assistance program was put in place for residents impacted by the ice storm. To date, more than 2,400 damage reports have been received and 564 health and safety inspections have been completed.

The post-action review report with recommendations will be completed by July 2017. The report will be supported by internal reviews undertaken by the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization, NB Power and officials from the Department of Health, as well as stakeholder feedback.