Heritage Awards 2016

On Monday February 20th, 2017 the Heritage Development Board and Common Council presented the following Heritage Awards to property owners and tradespeople who have made significant contributions to the conservation of our city’s heritage buildings over the past year:

118 Wentworth Street – Residential Façade Preservation – Masonry
Anne Drouet & Gary Davis
William Somers – Legacy Masonry

122 Prince William Street – Heritage Rehabilitation – Entrance
Edward Reardon
Michael Fudge – Fudge’s Cabinets and Woodwork

229 Douglas Avenue – Residential Façade Preservation and Rehabilitation
Rahul Datta
Catapult Construction

197 Princess Street – Residential Façade Preservation
Karen Bird & Leonard Davis
Matt Bettle  – Breakthrough Painting

240-246 Prince William Street – Heritage Storefront Rehabilitation
Tians Property Investment Ltd
Lockhart’s Design & Consultation
Dowd Roofing

Heritage Grant Program 2016

Total number of Grants: 26

Grant total: $91,550.00 [of $120,000 Budgeted for 2016]

Total Value of approved work: $924,266.00 [from 26 Grant submissions]

Total number of Heritage Permits 2016: 61