Miramichi Fishing Report for Week of October 20, 2016
I had intended to do an overview of the season this week, but the stats are not posted yet, so I’ll try again next week.
However, a general perception is that the Main Southwest Miramichi had the best angling this season. The Little Southwest was average at best, and the Northwest was poor, certainly in terms of low and warm water to try to fish.
Having said this, the final numbers are still needed to gauge how the number of fish recorded relates to basic spawning requirements needed for the future of the species. There never seemed to be “big runs” but rather “spurts” of fish coming in sporadically. There are still fresh fish being recorded at the counting stations.
The rivers that are still open for salmon are the Bartibog, Burnt Church and Tabusintac Rivers which close October 29.
Striped bass can still be fished with the final retention period now running to October 31, during which time each person is allowed to keep one fish per day, with a possession limit of one between 50-65 centimeters. The length is measured in a straight line from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail (total length).

Jim Laws of Miramichi Hunting and Fishing in Newcastle, Miramichi said the striped bass are continuing to move into the Miramichi area. Angling usually takes place on the falling tide. Evening fishing is also productive. Most are using circle hooks with bait, but some are taking the lures and rubber fish. Laws had heard of one 30-pounder caught.
So get out and enjoy the final weeks of “on the water”.

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Thought for the Week: “The season is ended. There was not enough of it. There never is”… Nick Lyons
Consider the incredible gift, the privilege we have to angle, land and release these magnificent Atlantic salmon….with the season having drawn to a close in many places, it’s enjoyable to sit quietly fireside and reflect on the journey yet to be undertaken by those that we’ve had to hand this past season, it’s not difficult in a thought filled moment be held in amazement of them, appreciating that which they must endure to accomplish the remainder of their long journey, the return, for which we have held them up for but a brief moment outside of its due course, it’s not at all difficult to envision the obstacles yet ahead and in that once again contemplate their great need for terrific stealth, strength and speed, the very things that draw us time and again to engage them with the fly, for them it is means to find their way back to their aquatic inner sanctum, home, to fulfill the task that gives all of us who consider them and wish them well, hope, for those wonderful riverside moments yet to be in our own days ahead where perhaps by chance one day you will hold the very offspring of that last beautiful fish that left your hands, the one you watched powerfully swim away into the depths of its native element on the very last day of the season somewhere along that river, not so long ago.
Daniel Porter
Atlantic Salmon Federation News for Monday, October 17, 2016
Aquaculture Rules Fail to Protect Wild Salmon
A study undertaken by Gardner-Pinfold Consultants compares the strength of aquaculture regulations in Canada, Maine, and Norway to an international standard. The result; no jurisdiction is taking all the necessary steps to protect wild Atlantic salmon from the affects of the industry.
Check out ASF’s press release, as well as the study and backgrounders, all available as small pdf documents.
Les règlements régissant les activités de l’industrie salmonicole ne protègent pas les saumons sauvages
Don Ivany, ASF’s Director of Programs for Newfoundland and Labrador, describes the report in this short interview:
Fundy National Park site of major salmon release
Also on Tuesday, Atlantic salmon were “air-lifted” into the Upper Salmon River.
Editorial from the Moncton Times & Transcript on the Gardner-Pinfold study and the salmon release at Fundy Park
ASF RIVERNOTES For Oct. 17, 2016
In NB much of the salmon season is now finished, but it is still open on beautiful rivers like the Bartibog. A few choice photos of salmon being released. Check out the latest – including a description of the lift of Atlantic salmon into the Upper Salmon River.
Great Month for Atlantic Salmon Restoration in Nova Scotia
Lewis Hinks, ASF’s Director of Nova Scotia Programs, details, with a video, two important projects undertaken this month to improve Atlantic salmon returns
Virulent ISA found in NB Salmon Cage
For the fourth time this year (plus two times in 2015) virulent strains of ISA have been found in NB salmon aquaculture. It is transmitted through the water and can kill wild Atlantic salmon. Other species, including herring, can be affected and die as a result of the virus.
Danish Anglers Urged to Catch 80,000 Escaped Rainbow Trout
A cargo ship from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad slammed into a salmonid fish farm in Denmark, with unknown consequences for nearby salmon and trout rivers.
Your Chance to Own and Play a Legendary Spector Bass Guitar – thanks to ASF!
Stuart Spector is passionate about bass guitars and Atlantic salmon. At ASF’s New York Dinner, the silent auction will feature a one-of-a-kind Spector bass carved from walnut and redwood with a salmon angler inlaid on the finger board. It was created in Spector’s workshop near Woodstock, NY, and is a masterpiece. The online silent auction goes LIVE on Oct. 26. Watch for it at: http://www.asf.ca/ny2016.html
Anyone wishing to report suspicious fishing activity anonymously is asked to contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office or to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
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Until next week