Poem: “Giv’er, Saint John Online!”
Have you read the news
On Saint John Online?
You can read about places
where people can dine.
Community events,
you can find it all there.
You can read about things
going on in the square.
You can buy and sell
or make a trade;
Purchase a car
or lemonade.
your stuff for free.
How much better
can it be?
There’s Giv’er News.
A welcome addition.
It’s the place, if you
have a submission.
A story to tell.
A poem or two.
You can read about
Cherry Brook Zoo.
A paper all about
positive stuff?
In the midst of a time
when enough is enough.
Pick up our paper,
it’s Saint John Online.
We hope that we
can make your day shine!
Written by: Greg D. Fairbrother, owner of YuGo Taxi 607-1020 www.yugoh.ca and Author of hundreds of poems and songs for children and adults.