Saint John Soap Box Derby 2016

Mark your family as ‘busy’ today Saturday, May 28th (rain date tomorrow: Sunday May 29th) and come cheer on your favourite team as children from schools across the Greater Saint John area race down Cranston Avenue in hopes of crossing the finish line first during this year’s Saint John Soap Box Derby.

The Saint John Soap Box Derby in support of PALS in the Park is proudly hosted by the Saint John Branch of APEGNB, Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of New Brunswick, and supported by the City of Saint John. The day-long event, held next to Princess Elizabeth School, will include a variety of entertainment for the entire family – face painting, music, bouncy castles, BBQ and more.

For the safety of everyone involved, Cranston Avenue and sections of Thornbrough Street will be closed to through traffic during the event. Parking will be available at Lansdowne Plaza, with a free continuous shuttle service offered to and from the race site between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm. Those using the shuttle should wait for pick up at the Saint John Transit bus stop in front of Tim Hortons.

All funds raised from this year’s Derby will go to the Lily Lake Pavilion PALS in the Park program. Every year, PALS in the Park provides thousands of students from 22 schools in Anglophone School District – South with recreational and educational experiences in Rockwood Park, at no cost to the students or schools.

Saint John Soap Box Derby

Everyone loves a good old fashioned race and it doesn’t get any better than racing down a city street, zooming past cheering fans and crossing the finish line! This year, The Saint John Branch of APEGNB, Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of New Brunswick brings the Soap Box Derby back to Cranston Avenue, a city street that has hosted many soap box derbies in the past. All the funds raised from this year’s Derby will enable thousands of students in the Anglophone School District – South to experience recreational and educational experiences in Rockwood Park.

The Saint John Soap Box Derby will take place on Saturday, May 28 (rain date May 29), on Cranston Avenue. The young racers will be comprised of children from the ages of 7 – 17 who, with the help of their pit crews, will race in two car divisions – Stock and Super Stock. In order to make this event a success, organizers are looking to the community for sponsorship and participation. The Derby will need lots of community sponsors for derby cars as well as many volunteers for this funfilled, family oriented event.

For more information on the Saint John Soap Box Derby, visit

Saint John Soap Box Derby