Port Days 2016 Offers Expanded Business Programming

Port Days 2016 From left: Gary Doer, Co-chair of the Canada Institute Advisory Board at the Wilson Centre, former Ambassador to the United States and former Premier of Manitoba; Charlotte Bell, CEO, Tourism Industry Association of Canada; and Dr. Walter Kemmsies, Managing Director, Economist and Chief Strategist for the U.S. Ports, Airports and Global Infrastructure Group at Jones Lang LaSalle.

From left: Gary Doer, Co-chair of the Canada Institute Advisory Board at the Wilson Centre, former Ambassador to the United States and former Premier of Manitoba; Charlotte Bell, CEO, Tourism Industry Association of Canada; and Dr. Walter Kemmsies, Managing Director, Economist and Chief Strategist for the US Ports, Airports and Global Infrastructure Group at Jones Lang LaSalle.

Port Days has always offered great speakers and topics related to import/ export, global transportation infrastructure, and international partnerships – but the 2016 schedule is bigger and better than ever.

“For the first time ever, the Port Days line-up includes concurrent sessions, which means we have more to offer than ever before,” says Jim Quinn, President and CEO of Port Saint John. “This year our Tuesday business sessions offer delegates the choice of attending sessions on cargo, rail and infrastructure – or sessions on cruise and tourism development.”

Port Days 2016 Schedule Highlights:

MONDAY JUNE 13: Delegates can choose to attend the Port Days Golf Tournament at the Algonquin Resort Golf Course, or the Tastes of NB Walking Tour. We get back together in the evening for the Opening Reception, and the Port Award of the Year celebration.

TUESDAY JUNE 14: At Breakfast, we’ll start out by getting motivated for the rest of the business discussions by hearing from speaker Dr. David Scott – sports psychologist and consultant to the Sea Dogs and to NHL teams.

Then we’ll adjourn to attend the business panel sessions from 8:45 am – 11:45 am which will run in two concurrent steams and feature a variety of speakers on topics including the economic social impacts of ports and opportunities in rail on the cargo stream, and growth/ trends and infrastructure/ product development in the cruise and tourism stream:

Economic and Social Benefits of
Trade & Ports                                              

Dr. Walter Kemmsies, Managing Director, Economist and Chief Strategist
JLL Ports Airports and Global Infrastructure
Stephen E. Lund, CEO
Opportunities New Brunswick
Wendy Zatylny, President
Association of Canadian Port Authorities


Cruise & Tourism – Trends for Growth
Perspectives from Global to Local

Charlotte Bell, CEO
Tourism Industry Association of Canada
Cindy Creamer-Rouse, Director
Department of Tourism, Culture & Heritage, Province of New Brunswick
Victoria Clarke
Executive Director, Discover Saint John
Beth Kelly Hatt, Founder, Aquila Tours
Rail Opportunities

Tommy Browning, VP of Marketing and Sales – Energy, Merchandise, Bulk & Auto,
CP Railway
Wayne T. Power, Group VP, Transportation & Logistics Division
J.D. Irving, Limited
Kelly Levis, Asst. VP Sales & Marketing,
CN Railway
John Giles, President
Central Maine & Quebec Railway



Cruise and Tourism- The Bricks & Mortar of Achieving Growth – What is on our horizon?

Claire Foote, Port Services Development and Planning Manager, Carnival Group UK
Beth Kelly Hatt – Fort LaTour Development
Victoria Clarke –  Food Tourism Strategy
Nancy Lockerbie – Fundy Trail Parkway
Kent MacIntyre – Fundy Quay and Boardwalk
Dennis Campbell – An exciting new project

Over the Port Days Keynote Luncheon, hosted in partnership with The Chamber and the East Coast Energy Connection, we’ll hear from speaker Gary Doer, Co-chair of the Canada Institute Advisory Board at the Wilson Centre,  former ambassador to the United States and former Premier of Manitoba.

The afternoon marks the start of the East Coast Energy Connection agenda, with sessions taking place at the Delta Brunswick Hotel.

The evening’s festivities celebrate another successful Port Days and with the ever-popular Seafood Fiesta reception and dinner!

We hope you’ll join us this year!

For the full schedule, as well as registration information, visit www.sjport.com/portdays.