Early Music Festival

Saint John Early Music FestivalThe Saint John Arts Centre (SJAC) is proud to be the host venue of the 2016 Saint John Early Music Festival celebrating “Mozart and his Mentors”, from Friday May 27th to Sunday May 29th, 2016. Tickets are available at SJAC for concerts, and be sure not to miss the FREE events!

Schedule Saint John’s Early Music Festival

MAY 27  12:15 pm. Listen and Lunch: The Clavichord

Tim Blackmore, clavichord
Tim Blackmore talks about and demonstrates the keyboard instrument that Mozart travelled with as a child prodigy, and on which he composed his final works.

Admission: Free.

MAY 27  7 pm. A Little Night Music

James Kalyn, clarinet; Tim Blackmore, harpsichord; The Academy of Saint John
The opening concert of the Festival features solo concertos by Johann Christian Bach and  Johann Stamitz, orchestral works by Carl Friederich Abel and Giovanni Battista Sammartini, and Mozart’sDivertimento K.136.

Tickets: $25 Adults, $20 Seniors & $10 Students. Refreshments.

MAY 28  2 pm. Café Mozart

Ensemble 18c. (Period Instruments)
Spend a delightful afternoon savouring  trios for recorder, violin and bassoon by Johann Christian Bach, Leopold Mozart, Giovanni Battista Sammartini and Joseph Haydn, topped off with theSonata K.11 for Harpsichord and Violin by the eight-year-old Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Tickets: $25 Adults, $20 Seniors & $10 Students. Refreshments.

MAY 28  7:30 pm. Mozart by Moonlight

Tim Blackmore, clavichord
Climb the staircase to the intimate Library Gallery and experience the delicate sound world of the clavichord, whose unique expressive qualities made it the favoured keyboard instrument of 18thcentury German composers until the rise of the fortepiano. The first half of this program features sonatas by J.C.Bach, C.P.E. Bach, Giovanni Battista Martini and Johann Adolph Hasse; the second half is devoted entirely to Mozart – the Sonata K.545, Variations K.54, Adagio K.356, and Rondos K.494 & K.511.

Tickets: $25 Adults, $20 Seniors & $10 Students. Refreshments. Limited Seating.

MAY 29  2 pm. Five Pieces, Four Players

Saint John String Quartet; Tim Blackmore, harpsichord & recorder
For this scintillating program of string quartets by Mozart, Haydn and Carl Stamitz, the celebrated Saint John String Quartet is joined by Tim Blackmore for J.C. Bach’s Harpsichord Quartet WB 66and Flute Quartet WB 58.

Admission: $20 Adults, $15 Seniors & $5 Students. Refreshments.

For more information visit www.earlymusicstudio.ca. Tickets are available from SJAC, visit www.saintjohnartscentre.com