Disaster Financial Assistance Program Announced

disaster_assistanceThe provincial government has announced a Disaster Financial Assistance Program for damage caused by heavy rainfall on September 30th.

“The damage to private and public infrastructure caused by this storm is estimated to be more than $15.3 million,” said Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Stephen Horsman. “We are pleased to once again offer a program to help with the cost of replacing necessities and making essential repairs. These severe weather events can be difficult to recover from, which is why this program has been put in place.”

The storm brought up to 215 mm of rain to some places in the province and caused flash flooding in more than 70 communities, mostly in the northeast and southern regions.

New Brunswickers should contact their insurance company first to confirm if their damage is covered. If damages are not covered under an insurance policy, they should then contact the recovery team at the Department of Public Safety’s Emergency Measures Organization so their eligibility can be assessed.

Residents and small businesses that are eligible to receive assistance must pay a deductible of $1,000 for homeowners and $5,000 for small businesses. Eligible claimants can receive up to $120,000 for private homes and a maximum of $500,000 for small businesses and not-for-profit organizations.

Those who have already registered their damage will receive an application package in the mail and will have until April 29th to submit it.

Those who have not registered can report damage by calling 1-888-298-8555.

Disaster Financial Assistance helps communities and residents get back on their feet after a disaster. It covers losses that threaten the health and safety of individuals and communities.

More information on the program is available online.

Giv'er Saint John