Spa Chance Harbour Last Bonfire of the Month this Weekend

spachanceharbourEnjoy the beautiful fall colours and relaxation at Spa Chance Harbour this Saturday, October 31st from 8 pm to 10:30 pm with live music in the Cabana or on the beach with a brilliant bonfire right outside the Polar Bear Cafe. Musical entertainment will be provided by Carol Perry and Brad White, some of our region’s best talents!

Get a little relaxation after you have finished your Trick or Treating … feel free to wear your costume! The music and the atmosphere will be amazing! Come relax and enjoy!

The Sauna will be fired up at 12 noon, and the music runs 8-10:30 pm. The fee is only $40 for the use of sauna, and $10 for just the live music.

The Spa is located at 110 Cranberry Road in Chance Harbour. For more information visit their website at
