Submission Call: Giv’er Saint John!
We want to hear from you!
From new business start-ups and fundraising endeavours to childhood memories and your favourite recipes, there’s a place for you in the pages of Giv’er Saint John!
It’s Autumn in New Brunswick — one of the most colourful and beautiful times of the year! We’re looking for your best seasonal photos from the province’s Bay of Fundy region! We always welcome your submissions to Giv’er Saint John but the Fall season is particularly breathtaking. So remember to include your name for the photo credit and the location where the photo was taken or description of the subject matter and share some of your gorgeous snaps today.
Click here to use our handy online Submission form to send us your stories and photos to be published and shared online with readers from all over the greater Saint John region and around the world! We look forward to hearing from you! Giv’er Saint John!
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