Sweet Caroline Walk/ Run this Weekend

Sweet-Caroline-10km-2014The Sweet Caroline Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting awareness of allergies and anaphylaxis, are hosting a walk/ run this Saturday, October 10th in Rothesay.

The 10K run/ walk will begin at 10 am, while the 2.5K walk/ run starts at 10:15 am at Rothesay High School. Both courses travel down the Rothesay Road towards Rothesay Park Middle School. The 2.5K goes around the Rothesay Commons. The 10K continues towards Renforth Wharf. The turnaround for the 10K will be at the Renforth Wharf Park. You can register online through The Running Room.


Click to enlarge.

The Sweet Caroline Foundation was started in remembrance of Caroline Lorette, who tragically passed away at the age of 14 after having an allergic reaction to dairy. The Foundation is dedicated to promoting allergy awareness, and offers allergy education programming for schools and organizations, as well as a scholarship awarded to students who develop and implement innovative ideas to bring awareness and education to students, adults and the general public. Purple is the foundation’s signature colour because it was Caroline’s favourite.

About Caroline
Caroline Lorette was a happy girl. Innocent, giggly and smiling – she shared her enthusiasm for life with those around her. She never allowed her allergies to tie her down or hold her back. She loved to travel, and as difficult as it often was to find food for her to eat, Caroline insisted on participating in any adventure.

Caroline loved her family. She looked up to her big sister Katherine as a role model and as a best friend. The girls were as close as any sisters could be, and their lives and personalities were intertwined through dance, kayaking and simply enjoying each other’s company. Caroline also loved playing with her little cousins, and spent as much time with them as she could.

Caroline was full of energy and she would help whenever and wherever it was needed. She was an athletic, strong, smart and sweet teen who enjoyed each day to its fullest. She kayaked competitively, played competitive soccer, and was a proud member of the New Brunswick Highland Dancing team. Caroline loved to run – and boy, she was fast!

Caroline never bragged about her accomplishments – she simply shared her enthusiasm for life with those around her. She bounced from person to person, making everyone feel as though they were special to her … because they were.

The Sweet Caroline Foundation tries to bring these same qualities to the work they do. They like to do things the way Caroline would have done them.

For more information about the Sweet Caroline Foundation visit their website at www.sweetcarolinefoundation.ca or Like them on Facebook.

Giv'er Saint John