30th Annual Atlantic Balloon Fiesta Starts Friday
Atlantic Canada’s Most Colourful Festival, the 30th Annual Atlantic Balloon Fiesta at Princess Louise Park in Sussex starts Friday September 11th and runs through Sunday September 13th. Admission to the Festival grounds is FREE!
A weekend of family-oriented activities and events await! Watch 30 hot air balloons fly twice daily (early morning and early evening); stop by the unique Craft Fair renowned throughout the Atlantic region; visit the Superstore Outdoor Bandstand as they showcase top Maritime talent; and see over 500 vehicles showcased at Sunday’s Antique Car Show & Shine.
Games for kids, a midway, the Teddy Bear parade and talent shows round out the weekend festivities. Don’t miss the extreme Sparade through Downtown Sussex (bring your water squirter)! Everyone has squirt guns and the Sparaders squirt the crowd and the crowd squirts back. It is a hoot! Every year, there are usually a couple of different shaped balloons flying across the valleys of Sussex and surrounding areas. This year there are four amazing shaped balloons coming to the fiesta! These include a hopping frog, a mother hen, a tiki fish and a penguin!
The Fiesta has been rated one of the Top Ten Festivals in the Atlantic region and has been voted Community Choice Winner and Most Celebrated Local Festival. Come enjoy an unforgettable weekend in the beautiful rolling hills of Kings County! Visit the Atlantic Balloon Fiesta website for more information and Like their Facebook Page to stay up to date.
6:30 am Balloon Launch and Paid Rides ($180.00/person, cash only) *weather permitting
12:00pm-9:00pm All Day Activities, Concessions and Vendors
12:00pm-9:00pm Atlantic Balloon Fiesta Craft Fair (admission $3.00)
1 pm Hinchey’s Amusement Rides open for the day
6:30 pm-9:30 pm Live Entertainment at the Atlantic Superstore Bandstand (FREE)
5:30 pm Opening Ceremonies will take place on the launch field. Cake will be served. Compliments of Atlantic Superstore.
5:30 pm Balloon Launch and Paid Rides ($180.00/person, cash only) *weather permitting
8:00 pm Magic Night Moon Glow @ the Launch Field. *Weather permitting
6:30 am Balloon Launch and Paid rides ($180.00/person, cash only) *weather permitting
9:00 am-9:00 pm Atlantic Balloon Fiesta Craft Fair (admission $3.00)
9:00am- MQHA Program @ Princess Louise Park Show Center
11:30 am-10 pm Live Entertainment Atlantic Superstore Bandstand (FREE)
10:00 am-11:00 am Teddy Bear Parade Bring your favorite Teddy Bear to the Atlantic Superstore Bandstand. With Special Guests!
11:00 am -6:00 pm Wonderland Child Care Kid Zone – In the Information Booth (changing tables available)
12:00 pm Hinchey’s Amusement Rides open for the day
1:00 pm Atlantic Balloon Fiesta Sparade Starting at the Sussex Train Station and continuing up Main Street to Princess Louise Park. (Water Sprayers only please – NO WATER BALLOONS) (Spectators be prepared to get wet!)
2:00 pm Free organized children’s games on the launch field
3:30pm – 4:00 pm Pilot Chat. Come meet some balloon pilots and hear their stories on the launch field
4:00 pm- 5:00 pm Sussex Tail Waggers K9 Performance Team with guest performers the K9 PAT Platoon
5:30pm Balloon Launch Princess Louise Park. Paid rides available ($180.00/person, cash only) *weather permitting
7:00 pm- 8:15 pm Marshall Hill at the Atlantic Superstore Bandstand
8:00 pm Magic Night Moon Glow on the Launch Field *weather permitting
8:30 pm – 10:00 pm Atlantic Superstore Bandstand FEATURING: CHRIS CUMMINGS!
6:30am Balloon Launch Princess Louise Park. Paid Rides Available ($180.00/person, cash only) *weather permitting
9:00 am-5:00 pm Atlantic Balloon Fiesta Craft Fair (admission $3.00)
9:00am- MQHA Program @ Princess Louise Park Show Center
10:30 am-4:00 pm Live Entertainment at the Atlantic Superstore Bandstand
10:30 am-12:00 pm Kingswood University Worship Service @ the Bandstand
11:00 am-4:00 pm Classic & Antique Car Show and Shine sponsored by Sussex Engine Rebuilding and All Glass & Accessories (Entrance on Eveleigh Street access via Rosemont Ave)
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm Wonderland Child Care Kid Zone – In the Information Booth
12:00 pm Hinchey’s Amusement Rides open for the day
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Sussex Regional Crime Stoppers Talent Contest (Ages 6-18. See Bandstand page for more info)
2:00 pm-3:00 pmSussex Tail Waggers K9 Performance Team with guest performers the K9 PAT Platoon
5:30pm Balloon Launch Paid rides ($180.00/person, cash only) weather permitting.
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RT @SaintJohnOnline: 30th Annual Atlantic Balloon Fiesta Starts Friday #Sussex #SaintJohnOnline http://t.co/dQybZsMsNc
RT @SaintJohnOnline: 30th Annual Atlantic Balloon Fiesta Starts Friday #Sussex #SaintJohnOnline http://t.co/dQybZsMsNc
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