Summer in the Square
Uptown Saint John is proud to present free entertainment throughout the summer! Local artists will delight crowds at the King’s Square Bandstand on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays throughout July and August. If the weather takes a turn for the worse, the festivities will head indoors to the Saint John City Market. Bring a friend and enjoy fabulous live entertainment in the heart of Uptown Saint John!
Tuesday, July 21 from 12-1pm: Lonesome Sky
Thursday, July 23 from 12-1pm: Sadie Donahue
Saturday, July 25 from 12-2pm: Whitewater Band
Tuesday, July 28 from 12-1pm: Frank James
Thursday, July 30 from 12-1pm: Paula and Greg from Penalty Box
Saturday, August 1 from 12-2pm: Clinton Charleton
Tuesday, August 4 from 12-1pm: The Kitchen Lizards
Thursday, August 6 from 12-1pm: Interaction School of Performing Arts Summer Music Intensive
Saturday, August 8 from 12-2pm: Dunsmore
Tuesday, August 11 from 12-1pm: Corey Jellison
Thursday, August 13 from 12-1pm: Nick Gay
Saturday, August 15 from 12-2pm: The Sticky Bandits
Tuesday, August 18 from 12-1pm: Leo LaFleur
Thursday, August 20 from 12-1pm: Apryll Aileen
Saturday, August 22 from 12-2pm: Mike & Mel
Tuesday, August 25 from 12-1pm: Del Worden
Thursday, August 27 from 12-1pm: David Mudge & the Wherewithal
Saturday, August 29 from 12-2pm: Don’t Tell Roy