Environmental Trust Fund Applications Now Being Accepted
Environmental Trust Fund Applications Now Being Accepted
FREDERICTON (GNB) – The Department of Environment and Local Government is now accepting applications for funding under the Environmental Trust Fund.
“The Environmental Trust Fund is a long-standing and successful program that encourages environmental initiatives that help build a better New Brunswick for today and for tomorrow,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Andrew Harvey.
“The local projects also generate jobs each year for many university students, as well as seasonal and full-time employees.”
The fund provides assistance to community groups, organizations, First Nations, municipalities and institutions for projects that produce tangible, measurable benefits to the environment.
Last year it provided more than $8.4 million to about 225 projects.
Money for the fund comes from about half of the environmental fees paid on redeemable beverage containers.
The 2019-20 priority action areas for the fund are:
- protecting the environment
- increasing environmental awareness
- managing waste
- addressing climate change
- building sustainable communities
Submissions will be assessed based on their merit and how they address these areas.
The application form and additional information are available online.
The Fund provides assistance for action-oriented projects with tangible, measurable results, aimed at protecting, preserving and enhancing the Province’s natural environment. Deadline for applications: November 30, 2018
Community groups, NB municipalities, First Nations, non-profit NB organizations, and institutions furthering sustainable development may apply to the Environmental Trust Fund. Your proposal must come under at least one of the six categories to be considered for funding.
There are six categories of projects eligible for financial assistance: protection, restoration, sustainable development, conservation, education, and beautification.
Department staff will analyze applications to ensure they meet the program’s criteria. During this initial assessment, applicants may be contacted for further information or clarification.
The Environmental Trust Fund Advisory Board then reviews all applications and makes recommendations to the Minister.
Once projects are approved, the Minister will announce the ETF awards.
The Environmental Trust Fund reimburses actual costs up to, but not exceeding, the approved amount for eligible activities.
Only those activities agreed to by the Trust Fund are considered eligible activities.
The Letter of Offer sent to successful applicants explains reimbursement, time frames and other procedures.
It constitutes a contractual agreement between the successful proponent and the department.
Awards are for expenses incurred within the fiscal year (April 1 – March 31) in which they are announced.
Based on an evaluation of the work completed, the Fund reserves the right not to continue providing assistance to multi-year projects.
Note to all Environmental Trust Fund (ETF) Applicants: Please be advised that in future years, the Call for ETF Proposals will no longer be posted in newspapers.
Instead, please refer to the Department of Environment and Local Government’s website for information on the upcoming Call for Proposals and submission deadline.
Only online applications will be accepted. The application deadline is Nov. 30.
Contact Information | Location | |
General Information
(506) 457-4947 Mon. to Fri.: 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Fax : (506) 444-2734
(506) 457-4947 Mon. to Fri.: 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Fax : (506) 444-2734
Email : elg/egl-info@gnb.ca
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For more information on the Environment and Local Government with the Province of New Brunswick visit: https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/elg.html and contact information can be viewed by visiting: https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/contacts/dept_renderer.139.html