Culture & Community
Submission Call: Giv’er Saint John!
We want to hear from you! From new business start-ups and fundraising endeavours to childhood memories and your favourite recipes, there’s a place for you in the pages of Giv’er Saint John! It’s Autumn in New Brunswick — one of the most colourful and beautiful times of the year! We’re looking for your best seasonal…
Read MoreUptown Mugs #40: Mark Hemmings
Mark Hemmings is a very familiar name to Saint John. Of course, he is part of the dynamic Hemmings House team, but he is more than that. An avid photographer and world traveller, he is passionate about his craft and is always eager to share his brilliant work, as well as offer tips and encouragement to fellow and novice photographers. Mark takes advantage of his love of photography, travelling and teaching by integrating it into his business.
Read MoreSaint John City Hours & Service Schedules for Holiday Weekend
The City of Saint John reminds citizens that City Hall, Rothesay Avenue and Adelaide Street offices as well as community centres will be closed on Monday, October 12.
Read MoreSaint John LED Street Light Conversion
As part of ongoing initiatives to increase energy efficiency and to help with our environmental footprint, Saint John Energy and the City of Saint John are undertaking the conversion of legacy street lighting to energy efficient, environmentally preferable, lower maintenance LED (light emitting diode) street lights. Saint John Energy has, since its inception, provided street lighting services to the City of Saint John. This project will see the conversion of over 7,000 street lights.
Read MorePublic Notice: Full Closure Reversing Falls Bridge
On behalf of The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure: The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure advises the motoring public that the Reversing Falls Bridge will be fully closed commencing Saturday, October 10th, 2015 at 5 a.m. and ending Monday, October 12th, 2015 at approximately 10 p.m.
Read MoreVote for Carleton’s Splash Pad!
Carleton Community Splash Pad will be a water feature in the centre of the Lower West Side community playground. The splash pad will be a place for children to gather and to have access to active, outdoor play, in the heart of a priority neighborhood that is known to have a 33% poverty rate. The play park is adjacent to a very busy community garden and neighborhood wellness centre, as well as the local food bank. Children in this area do not have access to a community pool or beach, as transportation is a barrier to most.
Read MoreHalifax Learning Centre in Saint John
Halifax Learning Centre in Saint John is proud to offer the SpellRead Program! SpellRead is a gold-standard reading program that focuses on phonological automaticity and reading fluency for struggling readers. Backed by independent research, SpellRead combines intensive phonemic and phonetic activities with a language arts program to build students’ reading comprehension, fluency, decoding, spelling and writing strategies!
Read More7th Annual Saint John Zombie Walk and Food Drive
The 7th Annual Saint John Zombie Walk and Food Drive is back tomorrow, Saturday October 3rd from 3:30 to 7:30 pm at King’s Square! Bring lots of food because as always all food items will be donated to The Romero House. With just one day away everyone is getting super pumped about this event! But remember to stay…
Read MoreLucky (aka Fanceen)
An update from the Saint John SPCA Animal Rescue: This photo of Lucky (aka Fanceen) was taken this morning in his new home. Lucky was the sole survivor of 15 cats who were found buried in the backyard of a west side home a few weeks ago.
Read MoreHeavy rainfall warning – how to prepare and stay safe
With heavy rains, road conditions can deteriorate quickly and localized flooding can occur. To prepare for the event of a prolonged power outage, citizens are reminded to have everything they need for at least 72 hours following a storm. This includes preparing an emergency kit for home and car. An emergency kit should include food, water, batteries, a battery-powered radio, first-aid supplies and any special items such as prescriptions, infant formula and equipment for people with disabilities.
Read MoreSafety Tips for Motorists from City
With the increase in traffic volumes after the summer holidays, and construction projects continuing across the City, the City of Saint John reminds motorists to look out for City workers who perform construction, maintenance and public safety services on, under or above city roads and other right of ways.
Read More1812: The New Brunswick Story Exhibition
An exhibition entitled 1812: The New Brunswick Story opened earlier this month at the New Brunswick Museum and will run through January 3rd, 2016. On June 18, 1812 the United States declared war on Britain and placed His Majesty’s colonies in British North America (now Canada) in peril. Already fighting a life and death struggle with…
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