Culture & Community
City of Saint John Pleased To Offer Free Public Skating
The City of Saint John is pleased to offer free public skating at the Stewart Hurley Arena from September 11 to October 12, 2023. Free skating will be offered from 2:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday through Wednesday and one additional night skate time will be offered on Monday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00…
Read MoreSaint John Firefighters Museum BBQ Aug 29th and 30th
Hey everyone we’re Inviting you to our last fundraiser of the season!! Everyone is welcome! Come join us for BBQ, truck rides and colouring pages as well as visiting our museum! Tomorrow August 29th and Wednesday August 30th from 10-3, all in support of Muscular Dystrophy Canada! Can’t wait to see everyone there!
Read MoreBeautification Grant Program Expands To The City’s North End
A recent boundary expansion will allow the City’s Beautification Grant Program to promote vibrant neighbourhoods in even more areas of Saint John, encouraging residents and property owners in the City’s North End to paint, plant, prune, and plan for an exterior facade or landscape renovation. The Beautification Grant Program was launched in 2016 and has…
Read MoreCity of Saint John 2022 Civic Recognition Awards Recipients Recognized
The City of Saint John held its annual Civic Recognition Awards June 19th, recognizing outstanding contributions and achievements by residents and organizations that made a significant impact on our city in 2022. Saint John Mayor Donna Reardon presented commemorative certificates to three organizations and five individuals to thank them for their outstanding work in the…
Read MoreCity To Honour National Indigenous Peoples Day With Community Events
The City of Saint John invites community members to honour National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21 by attending several events in the city including a special drum gathering, a dual flag raising event and a sacred fire ceremony. To begin the day, a sacred fire will be lit at Tucker Park Beach, across from…
Read MoreHammond Valley Community Church Fund Raising Supper Friday May 26th
Hammond Valley Community Church in Titusville is having a fund raising super this Friday May 26 from 5 pm to 6:30pm. Your choice of Meat Loaf or Roast Pork with desert. Join us for great food and great conversation. Donations will go to finishing of the upstairs of the church. The church is located just…
Read MoreCity Announces Funding Recipients Of Affordable Housing Grant Program
Following several weeks of review and consultation, the City of Saint John is pleased to announce the recipients of the City’s Affordable Housing Grant Program. The program, aimed at increasing the number of affordable units in the community by incentivizing non-profit and private sector housing developers, is part of the City’s Affordable Housing Action Plan,…
Read MoreCity of Saint John Update On Rapid Housing Initiative Funding Application Partnerships
Since Council’s adoption of the City’s Affordable Housing Action Plan in October 2022, staff have focused their efforts on taking action and moving towards achieving the plan’s outcomes. At last night’s meeting of Council, City staff provided an update related to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (CMHC) Rapid Housing Initiative funding program and…
Read MoreHere We Grow: Saint John’s Population On The Rise
It’s official – more people are now calling Saint John home. According to data released by Statistics Canada in January, the population has grown by 2.4% percent, or 1,759 residents bringing the City’s population to 73,611 as of July 2022. This increase marks the fastest growth the City has experienced in decades, and already exceeds…
Read MoreCity Of Saint John Will Benefit From An Outdoor Skating Rink To Bring People Back To Public Spaces Safely
On behalf of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) Canadian cities and towns flourish when they have community public spaces to promote social interaction and physical activity, and provide access to recreational programs and facilities. These amenities are integral to the overall well-being of individuals, families and communities. Our economic recovery is closely linked…
Read MorePublic Invited To Attend A Public Information Session On the Dominion Park Master Plan Phase I
Two public information sessions on the Dominion Park Master Plan Phase I project will be held on October 19, 2022, at the Milford Memorial Community Centre. Residents are encouraged to attend either session if interested, no registration is required. There will be an afternoon session held from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and an evening…
Read MoreCity of Saint John Recognizes National Indigenous Peoples Day
The City of Saint John is joining all Canadians in recognizing June 21, 2022 as National Indigenous Peoples Day. This day provides an opportunity for Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples to our community. Coinciding with the summer solstice, June 21…
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