Saint John Community Arts Board Announces New Artist-in-Residence

The Saint John Community Arts Board has announced its selection for the City’s Summer 2024 artist-in-residence, Sheryl Crowley.

Mosaic and visual artist Sheryl Crowley is an established artist living on the west side of the City. Her work has been exhibited across Canada. Crowley has been an active artist-in-residence in schools in the region and has participated in invited workshops in Ireland and Italy.

Over the summer, the public will have the opportunity to take part in engagement sessions with Crowley, in conjunction with ChromaNB. Participants will explore and play using materials to create pieces to be displayed as part of a contemporary art exhibition. Once available, the City will share more details on these events.

The Saint John Community Arts Board, through the City of Saint John, funds the Artist-in-Residence. For more information about the program, visit: