Uptown Box Art Celebration 2024 – a recap!

On Saturday, May 25th, we enjoyed a day of celebration, recognizing our 2024 Uptown Box Art installation on the corner of Princess Street and Canterbury Street. This Saint John Energy power box was beautifully transformed into a work of art by two local artists – Elizabeth Cook, and Lisa-Ann Scichilone. The celebration took place in King’s Square and we were treated to live music, dance, art, and an exceptional, vibrant Chalk Mural.

On display were the art pieces created by 19 local artists, some of whom were embellishing with final touches. These canvases will be turned into banners and installed by Uptown Saint John along Prince William Street for the summer and fall. What a fabulous way to include these talented youth in the ambiance of our uptown streets.

The Uptown Saint John BIA provides services in the areas of Marketing, Cleanliness, Streetscaping and Advocacy. One of our 4 pillars is to create vibrancy through beautification and placemaking. We are very proud to present this Uptown Box Art Initiative, as well as host this celebratory event, showcasing our local talented youth!

Click HERE to see all about the program, the artists, and the banners, etc.

Please enjoy some photos of our recent celebratory event:

Schools and organizations who participated:

De las Arts School of Art

Anglophone School District – South

District scolaire francophone Sud

St. Malachy’s Memorial High School

Saint John High School

Samuel de Champlain

Rothesay High School

KV High

Rothesay Netherwood School

Fairvale Elementary School

École des Pionniers

Touchstone Academy

The Origins

L’Arche Saint John

Rothesay Ballet

Interaction School of performing arts

Thank you to the Saint John Arts Centre for the use of their easels in the park.

Thank you to Tara Simmi, our incredible artists organizing the chalk mural.

Thank you to DecorParties from Rothesay for assisting and providing the stage décor.

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