City of Saint John 2024 Ethnocultural Grant Program Open For Applications, January – September


The City of Saint John 2024 Ethnocultural Grant Program supports the City’s focus on being one of the most welcoming communities in Canada and will provide financial or in-kind support for either the establishment or further development of ethnocultural community groups in Saint John.

The Ethnocultural Grant Jury will assess applications according to a pre-established evaluation matrix, which will score the application on a variety of variables, including, but not limited to:

  • incorporation of a group (if no other pre-existing group is established)
  • to special event, projects and/or activities promoting the ethnocultural group with inclusion of the general public
  • that are consistent with the priorities of Saint John City Council;
  • with significant community involvement; general public invited/included
  • that have not received other material funding from the City of Saint John
  • that have also sought and/or obtained other sources of funding (e.g. matching funds); and
  • that will benefit the population growth, the newcomer and general ethnic community and the community at large.

The jury selection for successful applicants will be done by a rating number percentage system by each member based on authenticity of the applicant group, level of community support, level of financial support and expected outcomes. During evaluation of applications, preference will be given to organizations that are based in Saint John and that are for:

  • Ensuring the request is coming from an Ethno-specific group
  • Display of Diversity and Heritage (for example specific to the group)
  • The impact of the group’s incorporation or specific event/marketing/project will affect other groups or the city at large.
  • Innovation.
  • Link to Council Priorities.
  • Long-term benefits/impacts.
  • Level of community support.
  • Ability to generate cooperation between citizens and other organizations.
  • Ability to acquire other sources of funding/in-kind support.
  • Sustainability of business plan or development plan (for repeated/annual event).
  • Identifies an ethno-cultural group or community need or priority.
  • Another group does not already exist or do the same thing.
  • The number of residents/visitors impacted by the group
  • Specific outcomes to be achieved.
  • Projected budget including sources and use of funds/in-kind support.
  • Applicants cannot apply to all three categories.

Applications are now being accepted, with a deadline of September 30, or until all available funding has been allocated.  There will be two awards ceremonies, one in April 2024 and the other in October 2024. Please keep this in mind when making an application depending on the timing of the plans your group has.

Program details, applications, guidelines and more information are available at Anyone interested in receiving further information can also contact Jennifer Waldschutz, Growth Project Manager at 506-639-6294 or via

Here to help – For inquiries related to municipal services, contact the City of Saint John Customer Service Centre at (506) 658-4455, email or visit us in person on the Ground Floor of City Hall, 15 Market Square, Monday to Thursday (excluding holidays), 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Source City of Saint John