City Invites The Public To Participate In Community Energy Action Plan Survey

The City of Saint John invites residents to complete a new survey that will help shape our climate action plan and guide the municipality towards the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

A Community Energy Action Plan is being developed by the City in partnership with Saint John Energy which will provide a path forward for Saint John to reach its targets and develop priority actions. These include generating local renewable energy, creating greener infrastructure and transportation, reducing emissions from organic waste, and making existing buildings more energy efficient and new buildings carbon neutral.

The public is encouraged to join the discussion, share their ideas and be part of the driving force to make Saint John more resilient to the effects of climate change and continue to become an energy-focused city.

The survey will be available on the City’s public engagement platform, Shape Your City Saint John, from June 28 – July 11. Paper copies of the survey will be available to complete in person at the Customer Service Centre at City Hall, and the main reception desk at the Canada Games Aquatic Centre. A member of the project team will also be available to discuss the plan and provide an opportunity to fill out the survey at the Saint John City Market on Wednesday, June 28 from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

To learn more about the project, visit the Community Energy Action Plan page on Shape Your City Saint John by visiting

Source City of Saint John