By-Law Number LG-20 Flyer Distribution By-Law
Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider giving third reading to the bylaw entitled, “By-Law Number LG-20 Flyer Distribution By-Law” at its meeting of May 1, 2023.
The Flyer Distribution By-Law places some restrictions on the distribution of flyers to homes in our community. This by-law was developed to address concerns around residents’ ability to stop unwanted deliveries, and some of the nuisance issues arising:
- Many times flyers are not wanted and are a nuisance to dispose of
- The flyers continue to pile up at residences that are unoccupied or abandoned
- Flyers left in the driveway can damage snowblowers
- The cost of disposal is borne by the taxpayers
The Flyer Distribution By-Law includes provisions that forbids distributors from delivering flyers to a property if a ‘No Flyers´ sign is posted and delivering flyers to a property if there are old flyers on the driveway. It should be noted that this by-law does not apply to newspapers, election advertising material, community association newsletters, or any materials produced by levels of government or their elected officials which are all permitted under law. Fines for any violation of this by-law range from $300 – $2,100 per offence, and the City may accept an administrative penalty of $150 in lieu of prosecution in court.
In accordance with the Local Governance Act, the bylaw will be read in summary only, if no member of Council objects.
Jonathan Taylor, City Clerk