Month: September 2022
City Invites The Public To Attend A Special Event Marking The National Day For Truth and Reconciliation
In honour of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the public is invited to attend the official unveiling of a large-scale mural created by local Inuvialuit artist Cassandra McLaughlin, which has been permanently installed outside the City Market, on Friday, September 30. The ceremony will take place at the Germain Street entrance of the Saint…
Read MoreCity Hours and Service Schedules For National Day For Truth and Reconciliation
The City of Saint John reminds residents that City Hall, Rothesay Avenue and Adelaide Street offices will be closed on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Friday, September 30. Saint John City Market: Operating at reduced hours of 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saint John Transit: Regular service. Garbage and compost collection: No changes…
Read MoreJarvis Bay Legion Branch 53 Hosting A Breakfast Brunch Oct 2
Drop by Jarvis Bay Legion Branch 53 Sunday Oct. 2 at 1016 Bayside Dr for a Sunday Brunch from 11:30 to 1:30 which includes egg, bacon, sausage, pancakes, toast and coffee or tea. Entertainment will follow at 2pm with Del Worden in the house. $8 for Brunch and $2 cover Charge. there is going to…
Read MoreCity of Saint John Prepares To Implement Four-Day Compressed Work Week and Extend Customer Service Hours
This is a monumental shift for the municipality as an early adopter for an undertaking of this magnitude Following Monday evening’s unanimous vote of approval from Common Council on the City Manager’s policy recommendation, the City will implement a four-day compressed work week for most municipal employees effective October 17, 2022. “As a major employer, we are continually…
Read MoreCity of Saint John Names Brent McGovern As The Incoming Chief Administrative Officer
At its meeting on September 26, Saint John Common Council voted unanimously to appoint Brent McGovern as the incoming Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), a title currently referred to as City Manager. Mr. McGovern will assume the top municipal position in an acting capacity on December 15, 2022, and permanently following the current City Manager, John Collin’s,…
Read MoreRides At Rockwood Sept. 17th
Join the excitement this Saturday Sept 17th from 9am to 6pm and enjoy all the classic and muscle cars and trucks along with Touch A Truck. Dave Myles will be on hand to provide the entertainment. Parking is available but over flow can park at Shur Fit at 10 Crown St and get shuttled to…
Read MoreSussex Balloon Festival Sept. 9 to 11
WEEKEND SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS – September 9th to 11th 2022 Princess Louise Park, Sussex, N.B. Weekend activities include: Balloon Flights, Paid Balloon Flights, Amusement Rides, Children’s Games, Wonderland Childcare Fun Centre, Lots of Vendors & Concessions, Our Indoor Market, Petting Zoo, Atlantic Superstore FREE Outdoor Bandstand, The Antique Car Show & Shine on Sunday,…
Read MoreWelcome New Business: Wasted Day Brewing
Uptown Saint John BIA has a new brewery member! We are happy to welcome owners Jon Chouinard and Tim Webber to Water Street! Wasted Day Brewing is set up with…
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Read MoreOnline Safety
The Saint John Police is raising public awareness around online safety. It is important to be aware of the emerging issues and how to protect yourself. As back-to-school approaches, parents should also discuss online safety with their children. What to know? Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is an extreme form of bullying among youth through technology. It is…
Read MoreBack-to-School Safety Campaign September 6-9, 2022
The Saint John Police will be conducting a Back-to-School Safety Campaign between September 6-9, 2022. With the excitement of children going back to school is it incumbent upon drivers to be vigilant and aware of road safety. Children can be easily distracted especially in the early stages of returning to school so everyone needs to…
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