Saint John Police – Community Engagement Team
As one of the top priorities in our new five-year strategic plan, the Saint John Police are excited to announce the launch of our Community Engagement Team. We are pleased to introduce our Community Engagement Sergeant, Tammy Spence, and our Neighbourhood Officers; Constable Matthew Innes (East), Constable Phil Mahar (North), Constable Heather Coughlan (West), and Constable Arlene Palmer (South).
The Community Engagement Team has been busy visiting local neighbourhoods, community partners and schools as well as setting up offices in our priority neighbourhoods.
“We look forward to strengthening the relationships we have in the community and creating new partnerships to collectively identify and solve problems together. The mission of the Community Engagement Team is to provide police engagement that is timely, proactive, familiar, and consistent.” Chief R.M. Bruce
Over the coming months, the Community Engagement Team will be hosting meetings in each area of the city to introduce themselves and discuss community concerns.