City Seeks Public Input On The Creation Of A Ridesharing By-law

The City of Saint John is looking for your input into the creation of a by-law for ridesharing companies on the City’s public engagement platform, Shape Your City Saint John.

The Province of New Brunswick has passed legislation that sets standards for licensing and regulations for ridesharing companies within the Province. Under this legislation, the City of Saint John must create its own by-law for ridesharing companies to operate in our community.

Residents are encouraged to visit the online project site to learn more and provide feedback by taking a short survey.

Have you used ridesharing services before? What was your experience? Do you have concerns about ridesharing companies operating in Saint John?

Take the survey and let us know.

The survey will be open from March 24 – April 6, 2022.

Visit to learn more.

Here to help – For inquiries related to municipal services, contact the City of Saint John Customer Service Centre at (506) 658-4455, email or visit us in person on the Ground Floor of City Hall, 15 Market Square, Monday to Friday (excluding holidays), 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.