GNB News – New Brunswickers Should Get Ready For The Next Storms
GNB News – New Brunswickers Should Get Ready For The Next Storms
FREDERICTON (GNB) – Following the severe wind storm that left tens of thousands of residents without power for extended periods of time, New Brunswickers are reminded of the importance of preparing for an emergency.
The New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization (NBEMO) advises that people should be prepared to take care of themselves and their family for at least 72 hours.
There are three important components to emergency preparedness:
- Know the risks: Evaluate the kind of emergency that can affect your family and community. Knowing the risks can help you better prepare for any disaster: storms, flooding, train derailments, power outages or other events.
- Make a plan: Every household needs an emergency plan. It will help families to know what to do in case of an emergency and it takes less than 30 minutes to organize. Family members should take the time to discuss how and where to meet, how to contact each another and what to do in different situations. Write it down and keep it in a safe place.
- Get an emergency kit: People should have all the necessities for themselves and their families: water, food, flashlights, radio, batteries, first aid kit, prescription medications, infant formula, cash (ATM machines might not be operational in times of crisis).
A 72-Hour Guide is available online. It contains useful information for families to prepare an emergency kit and to make a family emergency plan.
Carbon monoxide warning
New Brunswickers are also reminded of the threat that carbon monoxide can pose in their homes. People have died or been hospitalized in recent years because of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Residents are advised to never run a generator in a home, garage, or near a window or air intake outside of a home. It is not safe to use a barbecue, camping stove or propane heater inside a house or garage. More information about the dangers of carbon monoxide is available online.
NBEMO co-ordinates preparedness for emergencies. It also co-ordinates provincial response operations during emergencies and administers disaster financial assistance programs during recovery. It works at provincial, regional and municipal levels to ensure that communities are protected during all phases of an emergency.