Clergy Appointments for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saint John 2018

The Most Reverend Robert Harris, Bishop of Saint John, announces the following clergy appointments which will take effect September 1, 2018, when twenty newly merged parishes are created.

Most parishes will be served by a single priest serving as pastor; several parishes will be served by a pastoral team of several priests in solidum with one priest serving as moderator of the team (see canon 517 §1).

Those priests who will be appointed pastors or will be appointed as moderators of a pastoral team of several priests in solidum will be dispensed from the requirement of Canon 527 that they be placed into canonical possession of their parishes and will automatically become pastor or moderator on September 1, 2018.

Please note, this announcement includes several changes from the parish proposals of April 2018.

Saint John Region

St. Stephen, St. Andrews, and Campobello (Rev. Suresh Savariraj, HGN) Rev. Suresh Savariraj, HGN, will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of Holy Rosary (St. Stephen), St. Stephen (St. Stephen) and St. Andrew (St. Andrews). St. Andrew’s Church and one of the two churches in St. Stephen will serve as worship sites; the other church will be closed. St. Timothy’s Church (Campobello) will become a mission church of this parish (mass celebrated courtesy of the Diocese of Portland, Maine).

Blacks Harbour, St. George, and Grand Manan (Rev. Rolando Suplido) Rev. Rolando Suplido will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of Stella Maris (Blacks Harbour) and St. George (St. George). Stella Maris Church and St. George’s Church will serve as worship sites. St. Michael the Archangel Church (Grand Manan) will be a mission church of this parish.

Grand Bay-Westfield, West Saint John, and Dipper Harbour (Rev. David Martin) Rev. David Martin will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of St. Augustine (Grand Bay-Westfield), St. Matthew (Grand Bay-Westfield) and St. Rose of Lima (Saint John). St. Matthew’s Church and St. Rose of Lima Church will serve as worship sites. St. Augustine’s Church will be closed. St. Brendan’s Church (Dipper Harbour) will be a mission church of this parish (no regularly scheduled mass).

West Saint John (Msgr. Brian Sheehan) Msgr. Brian Sheehan will continue to serve as pastor of the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption (Saint John) with Our Lady of the Assumption Church serving as its worship site.

Greater Saint John Francophone (Rev. Aaron Knox) Rev. Aaron Knox will be appointed September 1, 2018 as pastor of the parish of St.-Françoisde-Sales (Saint John) with l’Église-St.-François-de-Sales serving as its worship site.

Saint John North (Msgr. Brian Henneberry) Msgr. Brian Henneberry will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of Holy Trinity (Saint John), St. Peter (Saint John) and St. Pius X (Saint John). St. Pius X Church will serve as its worship site. Holy Trinity Church and St. Peter’s Church will be closed.

Saint John Central (Rev. Douglas McNeill) Rev. Douglas McNeill will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Saint John) and St. John the Baptist (Saint John). The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception will serve as its worship site and as the Cathedral of the Diocese. St. John the Baptist Church will be closed.

East Saint John (Rev. James McQuade) Rev. James McQuade will continue to serve as pastor of the parish of Sts. Joachim and Ann (Saint John) with St. Ann’s Church serving as its worship site.

Loch Lomond, East Saint John, and St. Martins (Rev. Ralph McRae & Rev. Rodrigo Tabilona) Rev. Ralph McRae and Rev. Rodrigo Tabilona will be entrusted as a pastoral team in solidum with the pastoral care of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of St. Joseph (Saint John) and Stella Maris (Saint John). St. Joseph’s Church and Stella Maris Church will serve as worship sites. St. William’s Church (St. Martins) will be a mission church of this parish. Rev. Ralph McRae will serve as moderator of this pastoral team.

Rothesay (Rev. Stanislas Paulin) Rev. Stanislas Paulin will continue to serve as pastor of the parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Rothesay) with Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church serving as its worship site.

Quispamsis (Rev. Owen Burns) Rev. Owen Burns will continue to serve as pastor of the parish of St. Mark (Quispamsis) with St. Mark’s Church serving as its worship site.

Hampton, Upham, and Chapel Grove (Rev. Donald Savoie) Rev. Donald Savoie will be appointed September 1, 2018 as pastor of the parish of St. Alphonsus (Hampton) with St. Alphonsus Church serving as its worship site. St. Anthony’s Church (Upham) will be a mission church of this parish. St. Bridget’s Church (Summerville) will become a mission church of this parish effective September 1, 2018.

Sussex, Norton, and Head of Millstream (Rev. Peter Osborne) Rev. Peter Osborne will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of St. Francis Xavier (Sussex) and Sacred Heart (Norton). St. Francis Xavier Church and Sacred Heart Church will serve as worship sites. St. Philip’s Church (Head of Millstream) will be a mission of this parish.

Fredericton Region

Bath, Florenceville, Johnville, and Juniper (Rev. Anthony Ekpe, SMMM) Rev. Anthony Ekpe, SMMM, will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of St. Joseph (Bath) and St. John the Evangelist (Johnville). St. Joseph’s Church, St. Leo the Great Church (Florenceville) and St. John the Evangelist Church will serve as worship sites. St. Anthony of Padua Church (Juniper) will be a mission church of this parish. St. Bartholomew’s Church will also be a mission of this parish (no regularly scheduled masses).

Woodstock, Canterbury, and Nackawic (Rev. John Beaumaster) Rev. John Beaumaster will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of St. Gertrude (Woodstock), St. Agnes (Debec) and Sts. Simon and Jude (Nackawic). St. Gertrude’s Church and Sts. Simon and Jude Church will serve as worship sites. St. Thomas of Canterbury (Canterbury) will be a mission church of this parish. St. Bonaventure’s Church (Lakeville), St. Joseph’s Church (Newburg), St. Lawrence Church (Benton) will also be missions of this parish (no regularly scheduled masses). St. Francis of Assisi Shrine will continue to celebrate Shrine Sunday.

Fredericton North and Stanley (Rev. Martin Arputham, HGN) Rev. Martin Arputham, HGN, will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of St. Anthony (Fredericton), St. Theresa (Fredericton) and St. Patrick (Stanley). St. Anthony’s Church, St. Theresa’s Church and St. Patrick’s Church will serve as worship sites.

Fredericton North (Rev. Dr. Michael McGowan) Rev. Dr. Michael McGowan will continue to serve as pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Church (Fredericton) with Our Lady of Fatima Church serving as its worship site.

Minto, Chipman, and White’s Cove (Rev. David Fulton) Rev. David Fulton will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of Holy Rosary (Minto) and St. Joseph (Chipman). Holy Rosary Church and St. Joseph’s Church will serve as worship sites. St. Patrick’s Church (Whites Cove) will be a mission church of this parish.

Fredericton South, Kingsclear, and McAdam (Rev. Monte Peters) Rev. Monte Peters will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of Holy Family (Fredericton), St. Ann (Kingsclear First Nation) and St. Clement (McAdam). Holy Family Church, St. Ann’s Church and St. Patrick’s Church (Smithfield) will serve as worship sites. St. Clement’s Church will be a mission church of this parish. Immaculate Conception Church (Cork) and St. Mark’s Church (Lake George) will also be missions of this parish (no regularly scheduled masses).

Fredericton South, New Maryland, and Fredericton Junction (Rev. William Brennan & Rev. Maria Arokiam Chinnappan, HGN) Rev. William Brennan and Rev. Maria Arokiam Chinnappan, HGN, will be entrusted as a pastoral team in solidum with the pastoral care of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of St. Dunstan (Fredericton) and Sts. John and Paul (New Maryland). St. Dunstan’s Church and Sts. John and Paul Church will serve as worship sites. St. Columba’s Church (Fredericton Junction) will be a mission church of this parish. Rev. William Brennan will serve as moderator of this pastoral team.

Oromocto, Lincoln, and Gagetown (Rev. Charles Udeh, SMMM) Rev. Charles Udeh, SMMM, will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of St. Vincent de Paul (Oromocto) and St. Francis of Assisi (Lincoln). St. Vincent de Paul Church and St. Francis of Assisi Church will serve as worship sites. St. Bridget’s Church (Gagetown) will be a mission church of this parish.

Greater Fredericton Francophone (Rev. Peter Melanson) Rev. Peter Melanson will be appointed September 1, 2018 as pastor of the parish of St.-Annedes-Pays-Bas (Fredericton) with l’Église-St.-Anne-des-Pays-Bas serving as its worship site.

Miramichi Region

Greater Miramichi Francophone and Beaverbrook (Rev. Paul LeBlanc) Rev. Paul LeBlanc will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of Nativité-de-la-Bienhereuse-Vierge-Marie/Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Miramichi) and L’Ascension (Beaverbrook). L’Église Nativité/Nativity Church and L’Église Ascension and will serve as worship sites.

Red Bank and Sevogle (Rev. Daniel Melanson) Rev. Daniel Melanson will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of St. Thomas the Apostle (Red Bank First Nation) and St. James (Sevogle). St. Thomas the Apostle Church and St. James Church will serve as worship sites.

Miramichi West, Bartibog, and Burnt Church (Rev. Antonio Reyes & Rev. Anthony Dass Papu, HGN) Rev. Antonio Reyes and Rev. Anthony Dass Papu, HGN, will be entrusted as a pastoral team in solidum with the pastoral care of the new parish created September 1, 2018 from the merger of the parishes of St. Mary (Miramichi), St. Samuel (Miramichi), Sts. Peter and Paul (Bartibog) and St. Ann (Burnt Church First Nation). St. Mary’s Church, St. Samuel’s Church, Sts. Peter and Paul Church and St. Ann’s Church will serve as worship sites. St. Joachim’s Church (Eel Ground First Nation) will be a mission church of this parish. Holy Family Church (Barryville) and All Saints Church (Millbank) will be closed. Rev. Antonio Reyes will serve as moderator of this pastoral team. Rev. Maurice Swift will be a senior priest in residence.

Miramichi East, Bayside, and St. Margarets (Rev. Paul Doucet & Rev. Arockia Dass Chinnappan, HGN) Rev. Paul Doucet and Rev. Arockia Dass Chinnappan, HGN, will be entrusted as a pastoral team in solidum with the pastoral care of the new parish created September 1, 2018 from the merger of the parishes of St. Michael (Miramichi), St. Andrew (Miramichi) and St. Margaret (St. Margarets). St. Michael’s Basilica and St. Andrew’s Church will serve as worship sites. The Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel Church (Bayside) and St. Margaret’s Church (St. Margarets) will be mission churches of this parish. Rev. Paul Doucet will serve as moderator of this pastoral team.

Nelson-Miramichi, Barnaby, and Chelmsford (Rev. Arnie Hachey) Rev. Arnie Hachey will be appointed pastor of the new parish created September 1, 2018, from the merger of the parishes of St. Patrick (Miramichi) and Most Pure Heart of Mary (Barnaby). St. Patrick’s Church and Most Pure Heart of Mary Church will serve as worship sites. St. Edward’s Church (Chelmsford) will be a mission church of this parish.

Blackville, Boiestown, Doaktown, Renous, and Howard (Rev. Godwin Kalu, SMMM & Rev. Daniel Bastarache) Rev. Godwin Kalu, SMMM, and Rev. Daniel Bastarache, will be entrusted as a pastoral team in solidum with the pastoral care of the new parish created September 1, 2018 from the merger of the parishes of St. Raphael (Blackville), St. Joachim (Boiestown) and St. Bridget (Renous). St. Raphael’s Church, St. Joachim’s Church, Our Lady of the Annunciation Church (Doaktown) and St. Bridget’s Church will serve as worship sites. Our Lady of Good Counsel Church (Millerton) will be closed. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church (Howard) will be a mission church of this parish. Rev. Godwin Kalu, SMMM, will serve as moderator of this pastoral team.

Further Clergy Announcements

Rev. Kevin Barry will be retiring from active ministry after fifty-nine years of service effective September 1, 2018.

Rev. Joseph Daley will be retiring from active ministry after fifty-one years service effective September 1, 2018. He will remain resident in the Diocese of MacKenzie-Fort Smith.

Rev. Shawn Daley, SFM, will be leaving the service of the diocese effective July 15, 2018.

Rev. Paul Erzoah-Bebodu will be appointed to ministry at Nursing Homes and Seniors’ Residences in the Saint John area effective September 1, 2018. He will be resident in the Cathedral Residence.

Rev. Aaron Knox will continue to serve as chaplain to the Saint John Regional Hospital along with his appointment as pastor of the parish of St.-François-de-Sales.

Rev. Peter Melanson will be appointed Chaplain to St. Thomas University effective September 1, 2018.

Rev. Maurice Swift will be retiring from active ministry after forty years of service effective September 1, 2018. He will be a senior priest resident in St. Samuel’s Rectory.