Bag Limit Increased for Striped Bass
April 13, 2018
Minister LeBlanc announces increased bag limit for 2018 Striped bass recreational fishery in the Gulf Region

Moncton, New Brunswick – Recreational fisheries help bolster local economies and provide opportunities for Canadians to come together and enjoy our natural resources. The Government of Canada is pleased to allow more opportunities for anglers this year.
The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, announced today management measures for the Striped bass recreational fishery in 2018 throughout the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. This area includes the Maritime Provinces adjacent to the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
This year, the retention period will start April 15 and will end October 31, 2018. The bag limit will be three fish per day, every day of the season — a significant increase compared to last year.
Fishing will not be permitted in a 6.5 km portion of the Northwest Miramichi River for five days during the spawning period, which takes place approximately from mid-May to mid-June — a reduction from 9.8 km over a nine-day closure period last year. This is the only confirmed successful spawning ground for this population of Striped bass. DFO employees on site will monitor spawning activity to determine when the closure will take place. A notice to anglers will be posted on the Gulf Region’s website to inform the public.
This season’s management measures take into consideration input from consultations held in the fall 2017 and winter 2018. During that period, DFO met with First Nations, Indigenous organizations, fishing organizations, provincial departments and carried out online consultations for the general public.
Quick Facts
- The recreational Striped bass fishery will take place from April 15 to
October 31, 2018, in tidal waters. Inland water season is from May 1 to September 15, except in the Miramichi River system (April 15 to October 15).
- The bag limit will be three fish per day compared to 2017 where the bag limit
was one fish per day from April 15 to June 14 and from September 1 to
October 31, and two fish per day from June 15 to August 31
- The size window is a minimal length of 50 cm and a maximum length of 65 cm.
- When using bait, it is mandatory to use single non-offset circular barbless hooks.
- All other details are found in the notice to recreational anglers.
“The recent recovery of the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Striped bass population is truly a success story. The Striped bass fishery is a great occasion for anglers to get out and appreciate the natural beauty of our rivers. Every year, I see families enjoying this fishery together, and I’m so pleased that DFO’s management measures have been successful in helping with the long-term rebuilding and sustainability of this stock.”
The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, P.C., Q.C., M.P., Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Associated Links
- Notice to recreational anglers
- Frequently asked Questions on the Striped Bass spawning ground angling closure in the Northwest Miramichi River in 2018
- Frequently asked Questions about Striped bass
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