18th Annual KV Santa Claus Parade
November 26, 2016 @ 6:00 pm-8:00pm
The towns of Quispamsis & Rothesay are excited to host the 18th Annual KV Santa Claus Parade.
Families, groups, organizations, and businesses are encouraged to enjoy this popular community event and also decorate homes, storefronts and signs.
This year’s theme is The Music & Magic of Christmas.
The parade begins at 6pm @ KVHS and travels along Hampton Road ending at the intersection of Clark Road and Marr Road. The 1st Annual Fill the Stocking 4K pre-parade run begins at 5:55pm and travels the full length of the parade route.
Also new this year is the parade’s Quiet Zone located along Quispamsis Elementary’s school zone portion of the parade route. Parade visitors who have autism will now have the opportunity to watch the parade from this area without being upset by emergency/industrial vehicles’ flashing lights and blaring sirens, which will not be activated in the Quiet Zone. QES is pleased to host reserved parking and a warming centre within the Quiet Zone for families of autistic children. If your family would like to access these amenities please pick up your complimentary parking and/or warming centre pass(es) at Quispamsis Elementary School, Quispamsis Town Hall, or Rothesay Town Hall. There are a limited number of passes available.
On parade day please bring your letter for Santa, a non-perishable food item for the KV Food Basket, used eye glasses for the Quispamsis Lions Club, and/or toys for the KV Fire Dept – all of which will be picked up by volunteers along the parade route.
2:30-3:30pm: Floats to arrive at KVHS
4:30-5:30pm: Float riders to be dropped off at KVHS
5:45-7:30pm: Sections of Hampton Road will be closed to traffic as the run and parade progress along the parade route.
Check Facebook (KV Santa Claus Parade) for all of the parade information.
Kennebecasis Public Library is hosting a warm spot to watch the parade from 5:00-7:30pm.