The Owners of Mrs. Dunsters Buy Kredl’s Corner Market in Hampton

Nov 9, 2017 by Huddle Staff

HAMPTON – The owners of Mrs. Dunsters have purchased Kredl’s Corner Market in Hampton, Blair and Rosalyn Hyslop announced Wednesday morning.

Blair Hyslop, President of Mrs. Dunster’s, says both companies share a passion for locally sourced, high-quality food.

“We are excited for the opportunity to buy Kredl’s,” said Hyslop in a release. “Our passions are perfectly aligned with Kredl’s. As local entrepreneurs in the food business, we are passionate about exceptional food, supporting local business and farmers, and being involved in the community.

“Not only does Kredl’s have a great community-based retail business but they also have a growing foodservice and commercial kitchen. We look forward to offering restaurants, schools and consumers a large assortment of fresh locally grown fruits, vegetables, meats and baked goods. This is great news for us, our customers and Maritime farmers.”

Kredl’s Corner Market began as a small farm stand in 1980 and has now evolved into a year-round market. Hyslop said they recognize that Dave Wolpin, the current owner, has created an important outlet for local producers, selling products from around the region.

“We are fortunate in Atlantic Canada to have someone as passionate and knowledgeable about food as Dave Wolpin” said Hyslop “Dave has built a best-in-class community-based business right here in Hampton. We are honored to continue his legacy and that of the Kredl family before him.”

Wolpin has aggressively expanded Kredl’s in the years since he bought it, and has had to guide the business through difficult financial times.

Wolpin, who will help the Hyslops through the transition process, said he’s pleased another family has bought the business.

“Blair and Rosalyn are committed to the traditions of quality local food and are extremely active in the community, and those things are important to me,” said Wolpin in a release. “I am excited to work with them and the team at Kredl’s and to have the opportunity to continue to educate and motivate consumers in Atlantic Canada about the food they eat.”

Rosalyn Hyslop, co-owner and the Director of Human Resources and Communications for Mrs. Dunster’s, said Kredl’s has an exceptional team as well as food products.

“Kredl’s employees share our values of hard work, great customer service, teamwork and exceptional food,” she said. “We look forward to working with our new employees and growing the team and the business as we set out on this new adventure together.”