Suzanne Tucker is a trailblazer in life and a bundle of positive, creative energy and unmatched attitude.  Suzanne is the owner of Fundy Bay Organics, recently relocated to 38 Water Street, as well as a professor at UNB, a Director and Chair of the Finance Committee at Uptown Saint John, Inc., a biker, an uptown enthusiast and a role model and inspiration to many.  Suzanne clearly has a huge appreciation for health and well being, as well as a responsibility and care for our environment, demonstrated in her high quality products.  The personal care products she sells at Fundy Bay Organics are largely organic, GMO free, and lavish and lush in the ‘indulge yourself’ department.

Suzanne and Fundy Bay Organics compliment our uptown and we love her energy as she digs in and does things, because she can!

Let’s get to know Suzanne:


Where were you born/Where are you from? 

I was born and raised in Newfoundland.  Yes b’ye.


How long have you been a part of the uptown scene? 

We have been part of the Uptown scene as business owners for just over a year, but we have lived in the Uptown since 2005.


What is your favorite season, and why?     

My favourite season is summer – I am a sunflower, not a snowflake.  Love summer because all my favourite activities are summer in nature (golf, walks in the park, motorcycling, drinking on the Boardwalk…)

Most guilty pleasure?      

Most guilty pleasure – french fries.  I love french fries.



What is your Uptown Insider Tip? 

Lemongrass has the best pad thai I have ever eaten. 



Find Suzanne and Fundy Bay Organics:

On the street – 38 Water Street

Facebook – Fundy Bay Organics

Online – fundybayorganics.com

Twitter – @fundybayorganic

Instagram – @fundybay_organics