Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, July 20, 2017
Cold water pools closures on the Miramichi
As of Thursday, July 20, 26 cold water pools will be closed to fishing on the Miramichi River system. A variation order was just issued yesterday to this effect (download 2017 Salmon Pool closures pdf), and a notice to anglers was published on the regional DFO Internet at http://www.inter.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Gulf/FAM/Recreational-Fisheries (under the ‘salmon’ headline). These closures are triggered under the warm water protocol in place on this system, as in date of this Wednesday, it is already been three consecutive nights that the water temperature in the Main Southwest Miramichi stayed above 20°C, and aggregations of salmon in cold water pools were observed by our staff on the field.
Please note that one additional pool was included to the list of 25 pools closed under such circumstances, following the completion of cold water habitat improvement at this location:
• Confluence of Otter Brook and Little southwest Miramichi River, including the waters of Otter Brook 50 upstream from its mouth.

MIRAMICHI – This week’s report is much the same as the last several weeks. There still has been no big run of salmon or grilse, but there are spurts going through every day. An angler may go out to a pool and see nothing, while the person fishing in the next pool up-river has good fishing as the small spurt has gone by the first as they are not holding.
The exception this week is that fish may be holding in cold water pools or at the mouths of brooks due to low and warm water.
W. W. Doak and Sons in Doaktown said there were some fish around, and last weekend produced some encouraging fishing with some camps doing well. There was a 30-pound salmon landed, one camp had 15 grilse and two salmon, and in the Doaktown area, coldwater pools were doing well. Angling quieted down on Tuesday with the onset of very warm weather. There are still small numbers of fish going through, but angling is hit or miss. Over all, it hasn’t been a great year thus far, but interesting enough to get anglers off the couch and onto the river.
Water levels are low, but not in panic mode, but fishing is getting tougher as temperatures climb. If anglers had a wish-list, two things on it would be cooler nights and a good rain.
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Same-Thing-Murrays, Shady Ladies, Glitter Bears, Green-butt Bear Hairs, Red-butt Bear Hairs, Black Bugs and Christmas Trees on no. 8 hooks.
Andrew Anthony of Ledges Inn in Doaktown and Mountain Channel in the Rapids area said angling was good last week, and they had hooked a couple on Tuesday of this week. Mountain Channel had three on Monday and had been getting and seeing a few every day. There had been a couple of salmon in the group, but the rest were grilse.
The water was getting low and warm, but was adequate.
Flies of choice were a variety of Bombers (blue and brown & green), along with small wets such as Undertakers, Cossebooms, Bonnie Bells, Flame Throwers, Christmas Trees and a Preacher-like fly, all on no. 12 hooks.
Herb Barry Sr. of Herb’s Fly Shop on the Station Road in Blackville said anglers were getting a few fish, but in no great amounts. There were not many anglers actually out, as the locals are not fishing. One angler and his son, both first-timers for salmon angling, did have luck with a grilse each. Water was low and warm.
Flies of choice were Bombers, Killer Whiskers, Green Rats, Same-Thing-Murrays, White-tailed Green Machines and Bear Hairs on no. 8 hooks.
Curtis Miramichi River Outfitting in Blackville said anglers were getting some fish, but not a lot. There was a mix of salmon and grilse. The water was getting low and warm, particularly late in the day.
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Same-Thing-Murrays, Bon Bons, Green-butt Bear Hairs, Red-butt Bear Hairs, and a variety of Bombers.
Jim Laws of Miramichi Hunting and Fishing in Newcastle, Miramichi reported salmon angling as still slow with only a few being caught. Striped bass were making their way well up the various river which was concerning. Water was getting low and warm, with a good day’s rain needed.
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Shady Ladies, Same-Thing-Murrays and a few Royal Wulffs.
Syd Matchett of Trout Brook Fly Shop on the Northwest Miramichi said angling was generally a bit slow. One Crown Reserve party fished the Narrows and saw nothing, while the next crew after caught 18 as there had been a five-inch raise in water. A party at the Depot Stretch who came out Tuesday had hooked four and saw a few more. There was nothing much to report locally. The water was warm and low.
Flies of choice were small with silver bodies and dark patterns such as Shady Ladies, Bear Hairs and an all black Bear Hair once tied by the late George Routledge (Syd has some) on nos. 6 & 8 hooks.
Debbie Norton of Upper Oxbow Outdoor Adventures on the Little Southwest Miramichi was unavailable for comment, but Syd Matchett said that he’d heard of very few fish on the Little Southwest, and those had to be fish hard for.
With the warm spell we are having, it is best to get out very early before temperatures sky-rocket. Pray for rain and cooler nights so we can be more productive “on the water”.
What Striped bass eat
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Thought for the Week: “Most fishermen swiftly learn that it is a pretty good rule never to show a favourite fishing spot to anyone you wouldn’t trust with your wife.” -John Voelker
Bryant Freeman: ALL THINGS FISHING by Doug Underhill
or from Doug Underhill
438 McKinnon Road
Miramichi, NB
E1V 6G2
or Bryant Freeman 1-506-386-6269
Cover price $19.95
Shipping to Canada $25.00 (Incl shipping & handling)
To US $30.00 (incl shipping & handling)
The Coalition for Better Salmon Management (CBSM) now has a website at salmonnb.com, which has been expanded and updated. It already has a membership over 1,000 and is a major voice for salmon conservation here in New Brunswick.
Photo Submissions from Elaine Gray
![]() Lissa Mallais on the Nor West, Friday, July 14th. Saw a few roll and even got a bite. |
![]() Elaine Gray on the Nor West, Friday, July 14th. Raised a Salmon on a Silver Blue Charm. |
Atlantic Salmon Federation News
Thurs., July 13, 2017
ASF RIVERNOTES Asks for Details of Striped Bass Sightings Far Up Rivers
Rivernotes has the latest Atlantic salmon reports from Newfoundland to Maine – also news this week about increased striped bass sighting in salmon rivers. Have you seen anything out of the ordinary?
Salmon Numbers So Low in NL, DFO Scientists May Recommend Ban
The very low numbers, as detailed in ASF’s weekly Rivernotes, has DFO scientists concerned, and may result in a decision to stop the recreational harvest of Atlantic salmon for the rest of this year.
Tributes to Visionary Who Saved Wild Atlantic Salmon
Orri Vigfússon was a force for good in the salmon world. ASF’s Bill Taylor and others provide a perspective on his life and work.
Saving the Ducktrap River in Maine
The Ducktrap is a small river on the west side of Penobscot Bay that is now almost entirely protected. In a blog post, ASF’s John Burrows revisits a rehabilitation project on this forested stream.
Bringing in the Acoustic Receivers to Download Data
ASF Biologist Graham Chafe has a short video on the recent retrieval of data receivers deployed in Miramichi Bay.
Scotland Begins to Utilizes Same Acoustic Technology
The technology originally developed on the east coast of Canada is now being deployed around the world. In this case, the movements of Atlantic salmon in Scotland are being monitored.
Fighting Salmon Farming in Iceland
With some individuals now pushing for expansion of salmon farming in Iceland, there is a new resolve to push back, given the importance of the island country’s wild Atlantic salmon.
Remember to Check Out Digital Atlantic Salmon Journal
ASF has added a digital version of the Atlantic Salmon Journal. Added features include the ability to directly click through to the websites of advertisers, plus extra articles for three articles – HAPPY 150th, A HUNDRED YEARS AND COUNTING, and BRAVE NEW WORLD.
To keep track of breaking news on wild Atlantic salmon, use the Atlantic Salmon Federation’s presence on Facebook. Log in, search for Atlantic Salmon Federation, and click “like”.
Anyone wishing to report suspicious fishing activity anonymously is asked to contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office or to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477
Until next week
The post Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, July 20, 2017 appeared first on Giver on the River.